All writing is communication; creative writing is communication through revelation-it is the Self-escaping into the open.
I'm talking to you and it's basically a direct communication, whereas if I'm writing a letter to you and you read the letter, there are like 12 extra deconstruction and reconstruction steps in the communication.
I feel like I was writing as I was learning to talk. Writing was always a go-to form of communication.
I feel like communication is the same whether you're cooking for someone or singing or writing a song or writing a play or ordering from McDonald's.
I feel like I was writing as I was learning to talk. Writing was always a go-to form of communication. And I knew I could sing from being in tune with the radio.
One of the lessons of 9/11 and (Hurricane) Katrina was 'communication, communication, communication, .. We don't want to have to say 'should have, could have, would have.'.
As a writer I have always fought for the right to write. For writing is a time-honored means of communication. Lack of communication, the refusal of some to understand, or outright refusal to learn about other human beings is based on fear. Fear is what keeps people apart.
Graphic design was largely about communication in an artistic or creative manner, much like writing is used to convey ideas. Many designers completely miss that aspect of the "art." Some are completely satisfied with just making things pretty, without taking the communication element into consideration.
Writing has nothing to do with communication between person and person, only with communication between different parts of a person's mind.
I think writing is really a process of communication. . . . It's the sense of being in contact with people who are part of a particular audience that really makes a difference to me in writing.
The lesson from Hurricane Katrina was communication, communication, communication, .. Public safety has to be a priority. Then we can go to constituents and start talking about investments that have to be made in upgrading the networks.
I don't see writing as a communication of something already discovered, as "truths" already known. Rather, I see writing as a job of experiment. It's like any discovery job; you don't know what's going to happen until you try it.
Writing isn't letters on paper. It's communication. It's memory.
I've always thought of writing as sort of active communication.
Writing and cookery are just two different means of communication.
As a graduate student at Oxford in 1963, I began writing about books in revolutionary France, helping to found the discipline of book history. I was in my academic corner writing about Enlightenment ideals when the Internet exploded the world of academic communication in the 1990s.