A Quote by Thom Browne

I feel like jeans and a T-shirt have become Establishment. Everyone's dressed down. So actually, putting on a jacket is the anti-Establishment stance. — © Thom Browne
I feel like jeans and a T-shirt have become Establishment. Everyone's dressed down. So actually, putting on a jacket is the anti-Establishment stance.
I feel like jeans and a T-shirt have become Establishment. Everyone’s dressed down. So actually putting on a jacket is the anti-­Establishment stance.
There is a new conservative establishment in America, made up of those who claim to be the anti-establishment.
The lesson is that voters in both parties are in a very anti-establishment, populist mood. Hillary Clinton is the establishment candidate.
The Washington establishment does not like the Tea Party. Don't you love all these politicians that run around and campaign as outsiders, anti-establishment, 'I'm not part of that Washington culture.' Well, then join the Tea Party, 'cause that's who's really anti-establishment, that's who's really a bunch of outsiders is the Tea Party. But you don't see those politicians who want to be considered outsiders joining or embracing the Tea Party, do you?
Well, it's not just money. I consider myself establishment right now. I'm borderline establishment, I'm hanging on by my toenails - but I'm establishment.
The American people are growing extremely unhappy with establishment politics, with establishment economics, and you know what else? Even with establishment media.
Donald Trump tapped into the anger of a declining middle class that is sick and tired of establishment economics, establishment politics and the establishment media.
This isn't Republican versus Democrat. This is not right versus left right now. This is not conservative versus populist. This is globalist, America-is-not-first establishment versus those of us who believe America is first. This is an establishment/anti-establishment fight that's going on.
Self-Checkout Line ? The place where customers of an establishment become unpaid employees of the establishment.
That's a very hard thing to help the establishment know. We're still an establishment that thinks the average mentality is something like 13 years of age, that never forgot H.L. Mencken's notion that nobody lost money underestimating the intelligence of the American people. That's the horseshit the establishment has always lived with.
If you're going to walk out of the house in jeans and T-shirt, what can you do to make that interesting? Is it putting on a bright-colored pair of high-tops or a cool leather jacket?
The political world is changing rapidly. What the establishment has learned, what the Democratic establishment, the Republican establishment, the media establishment, is the world is not quite what they thought it was. With the middle class disappearing, with people working longer hours for lower rages, with people worried about the future of their children, what you are seeing is a lot of discontent at the grassroots level all over this country. And that's what's going on right now.
Even if Donald Trump wins, the establishment's not gonna go down a hole. The establishment's not gonna slink away in defeat. The establishment is gonna look at this as one inexperienced buffoon who happened to get elected versus all of them who know the ropes inside and out of Washington, and they're gonna make it their objective to deny this guy anything and everything that represents anything he campaigned on.
If I'm going to work, I put black jeans on, a T-shirt, a shirt, and a jacket.
New York establishment isn't really a literary establishment. It's just a collection of broken down old newspaper hacks who pass judgment on books that they have not even read, with assuredness of Jehova.
I'm of the establishment but anti-establishment.
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