A Quote by Thomas A. Edison

Discontent is the first necessity of progress. — © Thomas A. Edison
Discontent is the first necessity of progress.
Restlessness is discontent and discontent is the first necessity of progress. Show me a thoroughly satisfied man and I will show you a failure.
If necessity is the mother of invention, discontent is the father of progress.
The splendid discontent of God With chaos made the world. And from the discontent of man The worlds best progress springs.
Discontent is the first step in the progress of a man or a nation.
Necessity is always the first stimulus to industry, and those who conduct it with prudence, perseverance and energy will rarely fail. Viewed in this light, the necessity of labor is not a chastisement, but a blessing,--the very root and spring of all that we call progress in individuals and civilization in nations.
If it had not been for the discontent of a few fellows who had not been satisfied with their conditions, you would still be living in caves. Intelligent discontent is the mainspring of civilization. Progress is born of agitation. It is agitation or stagnation.
The history of humanity is the history of human freedom...Freedom is not, as Engels thought, "the recognition of necessity." Freedom is the opposite of necessity. Freedom is necessity overcome. Progress is, in essence, the progress of human freedom. Yes, and after all, life itself is freedom. The evolution of life is the evolution of freedom.
The very first temptation in the history of mankind was the temptation to be discontent...that is exactly what discontent(ment ) is - a questioning of the goodness of God.
Healthy discontent is the prelude to progress.
Scientific progress makes moral progress a necessity; for if man's power is increased, the checks that restrain him from abusing it must be strengthened.
Discontent is the source of all trouble,but also of all progress, in individuals and nations.
For a successful revolution it is not enough that there is discontent. What is required is a profound and thorough conviction of the justice, necessity and importance of political and social rights.
Never be discontent with the life you've been dealt, be discontent with the way you're living it.
Discover your own discontent, and be grateful, for without divine discontent there would be no creative force.
For Arkansas, I think the sky is the limit, but I think we are going to have to fight the urge to avoid risks. We need to look first at where we are as a state. I think, as a state, we have made progress over the years, but there are two kinds of progress: absolute progress and relative progress.
The essence of man is, discontent, divine discontent; a sort of love without a beloved, the ache we feel in a member we no longer have.
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