A Quote by Thomas Berry

Scientists have suddenly become aware of the magic quality of the Earth and the entire universe. — © Thomas Berry
Scientists have suddenly become aware of the magic quality of the Earth and the entire universe.
The more we work to remove our fears and insecurities, the more aware we become of the interworkings of the universe and tap into the laws of nature, which, to most, will appear like we're doing some magic trickery.
As you become more aware of your own imperfections, you simultaneously become more aware of the overall perfection of the universe.
Is there some magic wand they can wave on it and presto! - physics is overturned and carbon dioxide doesn't trap heat anymore? And when we see all these things happening on the Earth itself, what in the hell do they think is causing it? The scientists have long held that the evidence in their considered word is "unequivocal," which has been endorsed by every national academy of science in every major country in the entire world.
I also use that centering process I mentioned as a way to focus my mind and connect it to my physical body. I feel that when we are aware of our physical bodies, we become more aware of how we exist on the earth and more considerate of others with whom we share the earth.
I don't have any choice any more. I am in a choiceless awareness. I don't have to be aware. I am simply aware. Now it is just like my heartbeat or like my breathing. Even if I try not to be aware, it is not possible; the very effort will make me more aware. Awareness is not a quality, a characteristic; it is your whole being. When you become aware, there is no choice left to be otherwise.
The universe is almost like a huge magic trick and scientists are trying to figure out how it does what it does.
In magical thought the human body is the 'microcosm' (small representation) of the Earth, which is the 'macrocosm'. The Earth is also the microcosm of the Universe. In other words, we are pictures of the essence of the planet and thusly of the universe. As such, when we change ourselves, we change the Earth and the universe.
Scientists say, 'There is no such thing as time; gravity is a dust from another universe, and outside our own universe are many, many universes in all directions.' They speculate that attached to these universes are probably 6,000 planets identical to Earth. So are there things living out there? Animals, people, anything?
The entire universe is one whole, when you drop holding on to your limited boundaries, then what you gain is the entire universe.
Once you become aware of what stands in your way and become willing to release it, you signal the universe that you are ready to manifest the life you were meant to live.
The difference between magic and miracles is this. Magic is when you use your mind to tell the Universe what you want. Miracles is when you ask the Universe what it wants and how you can serve it'
The entire universe is working against me. I can't believe the entire universe could be that foolish!
I like the idea that my work isn't intended only for the Earth, but for the entire Universe.
I used to believe I was going to live forever. And then you suddenly become aware that you're not.
The age of the Earth is a hotly debated issue among evangelicals. Old Earthers believe, like most scientists, that the universe is billions of years old. Young Earthers measure the age of the universe in terms of thousands of years.
There is a distinct layer between the Earth and the universe, which is extremely black. Slowly, the entire universe starts to look 3D, like you can fly through it rather than this sphere of blackness overhead. And when you're above the atmosphere, there isn't water vapour in the air to make things foggy.
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