A Quote by Thomas Carlyle

Instead of saying that man is the creature of circumstance, it would be nearer the mark to say that man is the architect of circumstance. — © Thomas Carlyle
Instead of saying that man is the creature of circumstance, it would be nearer the mark to say that man is the architect of circumstance.
Instead of saying that man is the creature of circumstance, it would be nearer the mark to say that man is the architect of circumstance. It is character which builds an existence out of circumstance. From the same materials one man builds palaces, another hovels; one warehouses, another villas; bricks and mortar are mortar and bricks until the architect can make them something else.
Circumstance does not make the man. Circumstance reveals man to himself.
Our first mistake is the belief that the circumstance gives the joy which we give to the circumstance.
Today I escaped all circumstance, or rather I cast out all circumstance, for it was not outside me, but within my judgements.
The fact is: You are not a manager of circumstance, you're the architect of your life's experience.
It would be a mistake to link anything that Israel does to a certain circumstance. And it is a mistake to feel comfortable in any circumstance just because Israel did not act on it.
You think me the child of circumstance; I make my circumstance.
success is not a matter of circumstance, but of power to meet circumstance.
It is not a liberty of circumstance, conceded to us alone, that we wish; it is the adoption absolute of the principle that no man, born red, black or white, can be the property of his fellow man.
I believe that humans adapt to circumstance. The Internet is quite an unprecedented circumstance, so it's going to take people a while to get their heads around it.
I'm not saying we have power over everything in our lives - if that were true, my hair would look so, so different - but I am saying that there's no circumstance in which we are completely powerless.
Man liveth from hour to hour, and knoweth not what may happen; Influences circle him on all sides, and yet must he answer for his actions: For the being that is master of himself, bendeth events to his will, But a slave to selfish passions is the wavering creature of circumstance.
We are not creatures of circumstance; we are creators of circumstance.
All I am saying is I will be a senator - should there be any special circumstance where the political forces would believe that there might be a need for my service, I would consider it.
Circumstance does not make the man; it reveals him to himself.
At the gates of the forest, the surprised man of the world is forced to leave his city estimates of great and small, wise and foolish. The knapsack of custom falls off his back with the first step he makes into these precincts. Here is sanctity which shames our religions, and reality which discredits our heroes. Here we find Nature to be the circumstance which dwarfs every other circumstance, and judges like a god all men that come to her.
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