A Quote by Thomas Huxley

The saying that a little knowledge is a dangerous thing is, to my mind, a very dangerous adage. If knowledge is real and genuine, I do not believe that it is other than a very valuable posession, however infinitesimal its quantity may be. Indeed, if a little knowledge is dangerous, where is a man who has so much as to be out of danger?
If a little knowledge is dangerous, where is the man who has so much as to be out of danger?
But just as a little bit of knowledge is a dangerous thing, a little bit of energy, in the hands of someone hell-bent on suicide, is a very dangerous thing.
A small amount of power corrupts a small man absolutely. A little knowledge is dangerous to a little man. To a great man only great knowledge is dangerous.
A little knowledge is a dangerous thing, but a little want of knowledge is also a dangerous thing.
Knowledge itself is never dangerous, it is how that knowledge is used that is dangerous
We profess to teach the principles and practice of medicine, or, in other words, the science and art of medicine. Science is knowledge reduced to principles; art is knowledge reduced to practice. The knowing and doing, however, are distinct. ... Your knowledge, therefore, is useless unless you cultivate the art of healing. Unfortunately, the scientific man very often has the least amount of art, and he is totally unsuccessful in practice; and, on the other hand, there may be much art based on an infinitesimal amount of knowledge, and yet it is sufficient to make its cultivator eminent.
A little knowledge is a dangerous thing. So is a lot.
A little knowledge is a dangerous thing. I regret that this isn't fatal.
If a little knowledge was a dangerous thing, a lot was lethal.
A little knowledge is a dangerous thing." - Harkat Mulds (Hunters of the Dusk)
They say a little knowledge is a dangerous thing, but it's not one half so bad as a lot of ignorance.
A little knowledge is a dangerous thing - it only hastens fools to rush in where angels fear to tread.
Book CoverTo have people who are well informed but not constrained by conscience is conceivably, the most dangerous outcome of education possible. Indeed it could be argued that ignorance is better than unguided intelligence, for the most dangerous people are those who have knowledge without a moral framework.
Knowledge is dangerous when you're a person of colour. It makes you a powerful individual, and that's what 'Stay Dangerous' represents.
In a battle all you need to make you fight is a little hot blood and the knowledge that it's more dangerous to lose than to win.
The first thing the reasonable man must do is to be content with a very little knowledge and a very great deal of ignorance. The second thing he must do is to make the utmost possible use of the knowledge he has and not waste his energy crying for the moon. The third thing he must do is try and see clearly where his knowledge ends and his ignorance begins.
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