A Quote by Thomas Kinkade

The No. 1 quote critics give me is, 'Thom, your work is irrelevant.' Now, that's a fascinating, fascinating comment. Yes, irrelevant to the little subculture, this microculture, of modern art. But here's the point: My art is relevant because it's relevant to 10 million people. That makes me the most relevant artist in this culture.
People tell me they want to make the Bible relevant. Nonsense. The Bible's already relevant. You're the one that's irrelevant!
Some artists claim praise is irrelevant in measuring the success of art, but I think it's quite relevant. Besides, it makes me feel great.
You know what somebody else's fundraise metrics are to you? Irrelevant. You know what your own last round post was? Irrelevant. Yes, I know, not legally, because of those pesky rights and preferences. But emotionally, trust me: it is irrelevant now. We even have a name for this - valuation nostalgia.
Age is irrelevant. Experience is relevant.
A personal brand is relevant to people who sell or create something relevant to who they are as a person. If you're not in that boat, which most people are not, personal branding makes no sense.
The best music you make is relevant to the culture you are in, the timeframe you are in. I want to keep it as relevant as possible.
It's much easier to be successful than it is to be relevant. The tricks won't keep you relevant. Tricks might keep you popular for a while, but in all honesty, I don't know how U2 will stay relevant. I know we've got a future. I know we can fill stadiums. And yet with every record, I think, 'Is this it? Are we still relevant?'
[Romeo + Juliet] is relevant when Hamlet and all of that was out, when [William] Shakespeare wrote it. It's relevant now. It's not a shocker, but then it is. I guess so because I'm in it, so it's shocking that it's still on TV. People are still talking about it. Hey, I'm still getting royalty checks from it. It's amazing to me and I hope it continues forever.
In science consensus is irrelevant. What is relevant is reproducible results.
We are not relevant when we mirror secular culture. We are relevant when we are what they long to be.
I want content that is relevant to my life, that is relevant to me, that is set in the real world.
I've made mistakes. Like, bringing people to your level who don't deserve to be there. They're trying to bite off your so-called fame, make a name off of you. I think I did a lot of that - allowed people to be relevant in my life who really aren't relevant to me at all.
The man of culture finds the whole past relevant; the bourgeois and the barbarian find relevant only what has some pressing connection with their appetite.
Don't give your opinions about Art and the Purpose of Life. They are of little interest and, anyway, you can't express them. Don't analyze yourself. Give the relevant facts and let your readers make their own judgments. Stick to your story. It is not the most important subject in history but it is one about which you are uniquely qualified to speak.
Effective communication is fascinating to me yet bad communication is just as fascinating. There are lessons to be learned from both. I can't say I am a natural communicator, it's taken a lot of work to be able to develop content relevant to the audience and deliver it with credibility. My initial natural ability tended to be more around the visual display of information. For years I was more comfortable visualizing other people's great thinking. I preferred to be hidden behind the curtain than a thinker myself.
I'd say dance is as relevant to us as, say, pop. It's as relevant as electronica, as relevant as ambient or experimental music. I wouldn't say it's something we spend more time on than any other genre.
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