A Quote by Thomas S. Monson

You can dress attractively without being immodest. Within the Lord’s guidelines, there is room for you to be lively, vibrant, and beautiful both in your dress and in your actions.
When I just started my career, of course, I always try to look very good, and I changes the dress all the time on the performance. And people came to me and said, 'Oh, beautiful dress. Your dress is so beautiful, and you look so beautiful.' That's it. And I was so upset nobody saying anything about my singing.
Your red dress,’ she said, and laughed. But I looked at the dress on the floor and it was as if the fire had spread across the room. It was beautiful and it reminded me of something I must do. I will remember I thought. I will remember quite soon now.
Your earthly body is after all nothing more than a dress and inside it is a finer dress, and you yourself are in this finer dress.
How long do you remember that it is the Lord who is making you work? But then, by repeatedly analysing like that, you will come to a state when the ego will vanish and in its place the Lord will come in. Then you will be able to say with justice "Thou, Lord, art guarding all my actions from within." But, my friend, if the ego occupies all the space within your heart, where forsooth will there be room enough for the Lord to come in? The Lord is verily absent!
I don't have advice for people on how to dress. People should dress based on what they find beautiful. My best advice: Keep your clothes clean.
I have an evening dress, pink mull over silk (I'm perfectly beautiful in that), and a blue church dress, and a dinner dress of red veiling with Oriental trimming (makes me look like a Gipsy), and another of rose-coloured challis, and a grey street suit, and an every-day dress for classes. That wouldn't be an awfully big wardrobe for Julia Rutledge Pendleton, perhaps, but for Jerusha Abbott - Oh, my!
People say that the best part about doing animation is that you don't have to dress up to go to work, but I don't believe that. I dress up to go to work. I dress up for an airplane. I think it's just focusing your skillset, focusing on your voice and the comedy.
A dress will never make a woman sexy, fatale, magnificent, mysterious. It's a way of walking, of standing, or existing, the way you give your hand or your regard. That's what makes the dress.
Don't dress for anyone else, dress so that you can stare at your own reflection in shop windows walking down the street.
It's not polite to refuse to dress for a parly. It's an insult to your hostess. After all, correct dress is a part of good manners.
Simplicity is the base of everything. At the end of the day if you feel good about yourself, you don't need anything. You don't have to depend on the power of a dress to dress you up. You wear dress the dress, it's not the opposite. It's not only a designer, it's not only just fashion, it's a philosophy. It's a lifestyle.
Now we ask you to clean up your homes we urge each of you to dress and keep in a beautiful state the property that is in your hands.
Why do people think that if you don't dress up, others will appreciate your beauty more - that style will somehow emanate from you? It's rubbish. If you dress up it helps your personality to emerge - if you choose well
Without you, without your onslaughts, without your uprootings of us, we should remain all our lives inert, stagnant, puerile, ignorant both of ourselves and of God. You who batter us and then dress our wounds, you who resist us and yield to us, you who wreck and build, you who shackle and liberate, the sap of our souls, the hand of God, the flesh of Christ: it is you, matter, that I bless.
Guys is supposed to be able to be original and dress like how they want to dress. The NBA can't dress no grown man.
It's no secret I like to dress a bit sexy and body-conscious, and as soon as I was pregnant, it was like it was inappropriate to dress the way that I dress. And that really annoyed me. It's a wrong message that dressing feminine and sexy and being a mother can't go together.
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