A Quote by Tim Berners-Lee

When something is such a creative medium as the web, the limits to it are our imagination. — © Tim Berners-Lee
When something is such a creative medium as the web, the limits to it are our imagination.
I think the key difference between the web and print medium is, on the web or any digital medium, you're dealing with this added element of behavior.
The 10th Annual Webby Awards represent an extraordinary opportunity to celebrate the evolution of the web from an esoteric medium to the driving force shaping popular culture, business, and society today, .. As the web enters its second decade as an integral part of everyday life, our expanded categories recognize those who are pushing the web in exciting new directions.
Working within the limits of the medium forces us to change our own limits. Improvisation is not breaking with forms and limitations just to be 'free,' but using them as the very means of transcending ourselves.
the process of a book's coming to life is not fully complete until your imagination meets mine on the page. The words evoke pictures and something altogether new is created, something different from the limits of my own skills and imagination. Something that is a marriage between your heart, mind, and body - and mine.
I want to be remembered as an imaginer, someone who used his imagination as a way to journey beyond the limits of self, beyond the limits of flesh and blood, beyond the limits of even perhaps life itself, in order to discover some sense of order in what appears to be a disordered universe. I'm using my imagination to find meaning, both for myself and, I hope, for my readers."-Clive Barker
Finding the medium that excites your imagination, that you love to play with and work in, is an important step to freeing your creative energies.
I'm kind of calling for a - I'm not the only one - you know, a revolution of some kind where we try to take back the web or start something new because, you know, the dominant medium of our time is in a desperate state and it doesn't have to be like that.
The issue in Web accessibility is the fact that blind and visually-impaired people need the single biggest boost to achieve equivalence, since the real-world Web is a visual medium.
There are no great limits to growth because there are no limits of human intelligence, imagination, and wonder.
Our thoughts and imagination are the only real limits to our possibilities.
We have no limits to our world. We're only limited by our imagination.
Creative freedom is determined by how we behold the world. Any one of us can make new things with our perceptions that serve as doorways to the creative imagination. No one is excluded.
One siupreme fact which I have discovered is that it is not willpower, but fantasy and imagination that ceates. Imagination is the creative force. Imagination creates reality.
The only thing that limits us is our imagination.
Cynicism cripples our imagination and limits our ability to see faint possibilities amidst glaring problems.
There's no such thing as im-POSSIBLE, Hiccup, only im-PROBABLE. The only thing that limits us are the limits to our imagination
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