A Quote by Tim Cook

Those who try to achieve success without hard work ultimately deceive themselves-or worse-deceive others. — © Tim Cook
Those who try to achieve success without hard work ultimately deceive themselves-or worse-deceive others.
Those who deceive others, deceive themselves, as they will find at last, to their cost.
It is as easy to deceive one's self without perceiving it, as it is difficult to deceive others without their finding out.
Human beings seem to have an almost unlimited capacity to deceive themselves, and to deceive themselves into taking their own lies for truth.
Propaganda does not deceive people; it merely helps them to deceive themselves.
We learn to deceive ourselves while we are trying to deceive others.
It is not hard to deceive ministers, relatives and friends. But it is impossible to deceive Christ.
It is as easy to unknowingly deceive yourself as it is to deceive others.
But it seems to me that a man cannot and ought not to say that he loves, he said. Why not? I asked. Because it will always be a lie. As though it were a strange sort of discovery that someone is in love! Just as if, as soon as he said that, something went snap-bang - he loves. Just as if, when he utters that word, something extraordinary is bound to happen, with signs and portents, and all the cannons firing at once. It seems to me, he went on, that people who solemnly utter those words, 'I love you,' either deceive themselves, or what's still worse, deceive others.
I have an idea, and I have a perpetrator, and I write the book along those lines, and when I get to the last chapter, I change the perpetrator so that if I can deceive myself, I can deceive the reader.
Lot of stories in deceit, how characters deceive other people, but most of all, I think, how they deceive themselves. We're not as tricky as we think we are.
If you deceive me once shame on you because I have trusted you once and you have deceived me, if you deceive me twice shame on me because I have learnt my lessons and you have deceive me and if you deceive me for the third time shame on me because am a compound fool.
Honesty is a principle, and we have our moral agency to determine how we will apply this principle. We have the agency to make choices, but ultimately we will be accountable for each choice we make. We may deceive others, but there is One we will never deceive. From the Book of Mormon we learn, "The keeper of the gate is the Holy One of Israel; and he employeth no servant there; and there is none other way save it be by the gate; for he cannot be deceived, for the Lord God is his name." [2 Nephi 9:41]
Hearts can deceive. Words can deceive. But eyes we should trust.
I did not deceive you, mon ami. At most, I permitted you to deceive yourself.
It is easier to deceive yourself, and to do so unperceived, than to deceive another.
When a person cannot deceive himself the chances are against his being able to deceive other people.
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