A Quote by Tim Huelskamp

At the end of the day, Obamacare is bad for America. Washington, D.C., exempted themselves. U.S. senators still do not have to be on Obamacare. — © Tim Huelskamp
At the end of the day, Obamacare is bad for America. Washington, D.C., exempted themselves. U.S. senators still do not have to be on Obamacare.
Obamacare is dead. Obamacare right now, all the insurance companies are fleeing. Places like Tennessee have already lost half of their state with the insurance companies. They're all going. Obamacare, John, is dead. Okay, because we're being - we're being compared to Obamacare. Just, so. Obamacare doesn't work.
America is going to be destroyed by Obamacare, so whatever deal is put together must at least reschedule the implementation of Obamacare.
I think people have found it very interesting that those that enforce ObamaCare, those that wrote Obamacare, are not a part of ObamaCare.
The fallout from the Supreme Court halfway killing Obamacare would likely be more serious than conservatives believe...Even their own base, which has been told relentlessly that Obamacare represents the end of the America they love, might start to demand a fix once it becomes clear just what they’re missing - and what all those blue states with their own exchanges are getting.
I believe that Obamacare is bad for America.
Before they went on vacation, Congress voted to exempt themselves from Obamacare. They gave themselves a special exemption because they thought it was too expensive. So the people who voted for Obamacare for us voted to exempt themselves from it. You know how doctors take the Hippocratic Oath. Congress apparently takes the 'Hypocritic Oath.'
Hillary Clinton wants to keep Obamacare and she wants to make it even worse, and it can't get any worse. Bad health care at the most expensive price. We have to repeal and replace Obamacare.
Even former president Bill Clinton calls Obamacare a crazy plan. But Hillary Clinton and Tim kaine want to build on Obamacare. They want to expand it into a single-payer program and for all the world, Hillary Clinton thinks Obamacare is good start.
This administration, this agency, the very agency charged with enforcing Obamacare, systematically targeted groups that came into existence because they opposed Obamacare - and they started the targeting the very month, March 2010, that Obamacare came into law - expects us to believe it is the work of two rogue agents in Cincinnati.
Let me ask you, when it comes to Obamacare, do you hate Obamacare more than you love your country?
None of the people who wrote Obamacare want anything to do with it. None of the people responsible for Obamacare can afford it. They all want subsidies. None of the people that gave us Obamacare have any desire to actually go to HealthCare.gov and sign up. That's for you and me to have to do.
We cannot let Obamacare expand geographically by setting up state exchanges, nor can we extend Obamacare's unlawful subsidies.
An awful lot of Republicans, both in Washington and outside Washington, are resigned to leaving Obamacare in effect.
Most of the new jobs that people are getting are part time because of Obamacare. Obamacare is falling out exactly as it was designed.
We must not extend nor expand Obamacare. We need a completely different solution to help those caught in the Obamacare snare.
So let's find a way to protect people differently than Obamacare, because Obamacare's answer was, 'Just make everybody pay more'.
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