A Quote by Tim McGraw

I coach my daughter's softball and basketball team. We go to all the school functions. We go out to eat at night and take the kids to the movies. We try to be as normal as we can.
Besides music, I was all school, school, school. And softball. I played the game since I was four, and I wanted to go to the Olympics for softball. I got a full scholarship through softball.
Being a coach, I got to go home every day, [then] go out at night and have fun. I could pretty much live my normal life.
I was so driven in high school but did sometimes wish I could go out with friends, go to parties, and be a normal teenager. But having mum as my coach at home meant I couldn't sneak around.
Everyone's parents were famous actors at my school, pretty much! I think I went to school with Paris Hilton when I was three. That's what L.A. is, though - it's an industry town. You go to school with kids and you think, 'Well that's normal, they make movies.'
Everyone's parents were famous actors at my school, pretty much! I think I went to school with Paris Hilton when I was three. That's what L.A. is, though - it's an industry town. You go to school with kids and you think, 'Well that's normal, they make movies.
The man above has given me some unbelievable abilities to play the game of basketball. I just try to take advantage of it every night. I got the trust of my teammates and my coaching staff to go in there and let it go.
I definitely have a family. I have a boyfriend who has kids, and we do normal things every day, like get up and go to school. Eat breakfast, lunch and dinner.
At the end of the day I just want to be a normal guy, hang out with my daughter, go to school, and work on prosthetics.
My coach in college always told me, 'You don't go out there to win lackadaisical, you don't go out there to win by one point, you don't go out there to coast through - you go out to dominate. You impose your will on a man.' And he was my fight coach for a little bit, too, and I did the same thing.
When I was in school I would try and take all my classes early in the morning or at night so that I would have most of the day to go out on auditions.
I'm a big golfer, so in the offseason, that's all I do - golf and play basketball. But during the season, I like to go bowling, watch movies. I love going to the movies. I go to the movies in every city we go. And when I'm at home I play video games all day.
Starting out so young meant missing out on a lot of things that kids do, that your friends are doing, whether it was playing team sports or school dances with friends. I remember having fights with my mother when I was young about 'Why can't I just go have frozen yogurt with my friends after school and go hit on the girls at the library?'
Becoming emancipated at 14, my life wasn't normal. I didn't have to go to school, so I didn't. I was rebellious by nature. I spent my 20s focusing on my company, Flower Films, and producing movies. Now that I'm almost 30, I would like to try other things in lie. I'm crazy about photography, and I want to take an art history class.
I like my easy life at home. I like to live in Switzerland. I like to be with my wife, with my daughter, to take my daughter to school, to lead a normal life. I try everything possible to keep that.
Before I joined the Clippers I played basketball at the University of Kentucky. There the game of basketball is very important. It is important for the fans. There is not a lot to do there so they really support the team. It is hard to describe. The fans, the coaching staff, the basketball program is everything and the kids who go there love it.
In high school I was on the basketball team, but the coach did something I didn't dig and the next day he looked up and saw me practising with the football team.
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