A Quote by Tim Ryan

I traveled the country for a year and a half helping Hillary Clinton to try to become president. — © Tim Ryan
I traveled the country for a year and a half helping Hillary Clinton to try to become president.
Of course there's a backlash. Of course. Look, half the country voted for Donald Trump. But I think one of the things that we try to do on Update is we try to hit him on the facts. If Hillary Clinton was President we would be making fun of her just as much. We're not trying to be right, we're not trying to be wrong, we're trying to be funny.
Hillary Clinton and I have worked together on a higher education proposal which will guarantee free tuition in public colleges and universities for every family in this country making $125,000 a year or less. We're going to fight for paid family and medical leave. Those are the issues that the American people want to hear discussed, and I'm going to go around the country discussing them and making sure that Hillary Clinton is elected president.
Did you hear what the Republicans have said about Hillary Clinton? They say she's too angry to be president. Hillary Clinton, Senator Hillary Clinton, too angry to be president. When she heard this, Hillary said, 'Oh yeah? I'll rip your throats out, you bastards.'
We had Hillary Clinton try and do a reset. We had Hillary Clinton give Russia 20% of the uranium in our country.
The New York Times endorsed Hillary Clinton for President, they turned around and talked about the way Hillary Clinton and cohorts always went after these women [of Bill Clinton].
Hillary Clinton is probably one of the best prepared people to walk into the Oval Office certainly in a generation, with all the love and respect and admiration that I have for President Obama, and he's been a great president, going in he was nowhere nearly as prepared as Hillary Clinton.
Everything Bill Clinton has done is fair game. He's a former president. I just don't think that is the most effective way to beat Hillary Clinton, because while all that was going on there were a lot of women who felt for whatever reason great sympathy for Hillary Clinton. Look, if my husband were doing that, I would have left him. I would not have behaved the way Hillary Clinton did.
We keep hearing how qualified Hillary Clinton is. She's well prepared to be president, more exposure to the president than anybody else. Hillary Clinton is the most prepared to be impeached in advance of any presidential candidate America has ever had!
The history of Hillary Clinton as a five-year senator is to promote Hillary Clinton and not the needs of New Yorkers
Like Hillary Clinton, I, too, have traveled hundreds of thousands of miles around the globe. But unlike Mrs. Clinton, I know that flying is an activity, not an accomplishment.
We had Hillary Clinton try and do a reset. We had Hillary Clinton give Russia 20 percent of the uranium in our country. You know what uranium is, right? This thing called nuclear weapons, like lots of things, are done with uranium, including some bad things.
Even former president Bill Clinton calls Obamacare a crazy plan. But Hillary Clinton and Tim kaine want to build on Obamacare. They want to expand it into a single-payer program and for all the world, Hillary Clinton thinks Obamacare is good start.
Donald Trump has not gone to historical black colleges - Hillary Clinton. He's not met with the mothers of children who have been slain and killed from violence in the country as Hillary Clinton has done.
So if Hillary [Clinton] is elected president, it will make history in two ways. She'll be the first woman president. And Bill Clinton, he'll be the first man and the first former president to return to the White House in the capacity of spouse.
Hillary Clinton almost got to be president. The reasons why she didn't become president had to do with bad judgments about how to handle the early caucus states, which is not a gender-specific trait.
The country is split. There are - more people voting for Hillary Clinton than Donald Trump, but he's the president.
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