A Quote by Tim Tebow

There are several things that keep me grounded and focused... When you can humble yourself to say 'I'm no more important than anyone else. I just have a gift.' — © Tim Tebow
There are several things that keep me grounded and focused... When you can humble yourself to say 'I'm no more important than anyone else. I just have a gift.'
One of the most important things for me is my family. You know, they keep me grounded, they keep me humble. They always made sacrifices with me.
More of my songs are intended to be funny than almost anyone else. Sometimes maybe it cheers me up a bit. I've got a distance from it. Sometimes what I'm writing is more important to me than the rest of my life. It's more important to me that I'm writing well than anything else.
I really realize the more movies I do just how important - it's so cliche when people say it, because everybody says it nowadays - but it's so important to keep it grounded. I totally understand what that means.
It's so important to keep moving and don't buy into the myth. I say do anything you feel like as long as you don't hurt yourself or hurt anyone else. And things don't stop working in your body or your mind.
In a conversation, keep in mind that you're more interested in what you have to say than anyone else is.
If we surround ourselves with people who are successful, who are forward-moving, who are positive, who are focused on producing results, who support us, it will challenge us to be more and do more and share more. If you can surround yourself with people who will never let you settle for less than you can be, you have the greatest gift that anyone can hope for.
You've just got to play yourself at the end of the day - just try and keep to your game, keep focused and if you can do that, you've got a good chance of beating anyone.
The greatest gift you can give (yourself or anyone else) is just being present
I've been, I think, able to stay grounded in such a crazy business, and I attribute that a lot to my family, and especially to my mother. Because, you know, she just was always there to kind of remind me of what priorities should be. O.K., yes, I'm an artist, I'm a performer, but I'm a sister, I'm a daughter, I'm a granddaughter, I'm an aunt. Those things have to be as important, if not more important, than my career.
I'm humble, and guys always say I act older than what I am so I always keep that mentality and make sure everything is focused and serious.
What makes you attractive is being yourself, being natural, being unaware. Even though makeup is important, you should do it all, and then forget about it. You don't want to look like anyone else, any more than you want to be anyone else. You want to look like you. Imitation may be the sincerest form of flattery - but it's flattering to someone else. Not to you.
I raised you to be a thoroughbred. When thoroughbreds run, they wear blinders to keep their eyes focused straight ahead with no distractions, no other horses. They hear the crowd, but they don’t listen. They just run their own race. That’s what you have to do. Don’t listen to anyone comparing you to me or to anyone else. You just run your own race.
Luckily enough I've got great people around me to keep me humble and grounded.
A lot of people are really focused on me. I always say, 'Why focus on someone more than yourself?'
Everyone has different paths. I've been lucky to have a good support system - my family, friends and colleagues to keep me grounded and humble and to keep working hard. I never give up.
My opinion's no more important than anyone else's. It's just that I have the ability to have access to more ears when I speak because of my job.
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