A Quote by T.J. Dillashaw

Going to train out at Joel Diaz's out in Indio, I've trained with the Lomachenkos, I've seen Terrence Crawford's camp - I think that would be a super intriguing thing to get involved in.
I got the who's who in the boxing world; I've been training with the Lomachenkos, the Terrence Crawfords.
Actors are a really funny bunch of people, especially the X-Men cast. They're super funny and super nice, and they like to go out and get drinks and dinner and hang out. It's an experience. It's a summer. It's like camp. Everybody gets together and hangs out.
In fact, one of the funny stories from that set [of Hail, Caesar!] is we were shooting my scene, and around lunchtime, Terrence Malick shows up on set. He was uninvited and no one knew who he was. But I knew, just looking at him. I was like, "Holy moley, that's Terrence Malick!" So I went and told the PA, "Hey, Terrence Malick is here, and I think he wants to see the Coen brothers. He wants to talk to Joel and Ethan." He just showed up unannounced, uninvited, and I guess they spent their lunch hour with him.
I often find out, once people have trained, you can never really re-train. When you get trained, you learn to lock up; you learn a wrist lock and, okay, onto the next thing, onto the next thing. You never really go back to the fundamentals.
A Canadian comedian once told me that when you first go out there to imagine that you're actually just going back out for the encore, that all the clapping is because they've already seen you do your thing and they want to see more. You can train your mind to do anything.
I just go out there and do what I do and the reason I think the Diaz's are so great, the reason they're so liked by fans and everybody - and I'm a fan of the Diaz brothers - is because they're real, they don't put on a show.
I think it gets a little harder as you find more success. As success happens, you have to figure out this question of 'What I am going to do next that stands out?' Because then you get seen as 'this thing,' which is a part of you. But it's not really you.
What can you do? You're never going to be - I'm sure there are people out there who think Cindy Crawford isn't pretty.
I would like to like to make one thing clear at the very outset and that is, when you speak of a train robbery, this involved no loss of train, merely what I like to call the contents of the train, which were pilfered. We haven't lost a train since 1946, I believe it was - the year of the great snows when we mislaid a small one.
I think all of us set out to try and reach as many people. That's the whole point of being in a band: trying to get your music out there. So, any opportunity to do that, within reason. We're informed about where our music is going to be used; we get to say yes or no. There are things we can turn down, and there are things we can agree to. When it comes to movies and stuff like that, it's great for us. I don't think it's selling out. Maybe 10 or 20 years ago it was seen as selling out, but nowadays I think it's the only way to get your music out there.
When you first start out, people think this is super easy and you find your crew super quick. But you've really got to go through songwriter boot camp to find your people.
I prefer to train alone at SAI camp in Hyderabad. I don't train at national camp at NIS Patiala.
Maybe that's the problem. But whether they've heard it of not. The issue is the train that is going off the cliff. After we save the country, after we keep the train from going off the cliff, I would welcome, quite frankly, a discussion of morality in this country. I think it would be a wonderful thing if we bring back our Judeo-Christian values once again. I think it could do nothing but help us. I would be all in favor of that.
Getting the message out there to speak out is huge, and I think you can be the brightest person in the room, but people never know what's going on really inside and the hardest thing is to speak out. You've got to speak out. I think sometimes you maybe hold it all in and it can get too much at times.
John Kricfalusi wanted me to quit the job when he got fired in 1992. But the problem there is that I wasn't his partner. I was a hired gun. And then people badmouth me for 10 years, like a rock in my shoe in that camp. It's a very small but active group of posters, as I've come to find out. But the thing is that I finally got to the point where, "Okay, I get you, I get it you don't like that I did what I did." But the thing was, the whole story was cockeyed. They said I put everybody out of work. No, I didn't. Everybody was going to be out of work if I didn't continue the Ren & Stimpy show.
You need to think, when you get involved in wars, how you're going to get out of them.
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