A Quote by Tom Cole

The National Football league is on the wrong side of history. — © Tom Cole
The National Football league is on the wrong side of history.
I liked to play against all the teams in the National Football League or the American Football League, because they were always a challenge.
I'm a football fan first and foremost, but I've been given an incredible opportunity to be a football coach in the National Football League.
Really, I learned a long time ago that in the National Football League, paper doesn't mean anything. Football teams are created on the football field.
These kids are the future of the National Football League. They're the next generation that will be playing high school football, NCAA football, and some even to the pros.
Wouldn't it be great if our national news media had standards as high as the National Football League's?
And as a football coach in the National Football League, I know for sure that it's going to end someday.
I don't need to speak with my colleagues in the national side to know what kind of player Messi is. He's one of the best players in the history of football and very difficult to stop.
It brought Pittsburgh into the picture of football teams in the National Football League that, ‘OK, you have to deal with us now.’
The only thing that Celtic doesn't have is the propaganda, which is the Premier League. In every other aspect of football, Celtic is a huge club: fan base, stadium and history. They have a fantastic history. What it doesn't have is the opportunity to play in the Premier League.
I am a National Football League player of American Samoan heritage. Because of my status as a professional athlete, I have been blessed to play a role in educating players and fans about the culture and history of America's southernmost territory.
It's not like I had to throw the football and deal with that as well. It was more disheartening, to be honest with you, just to kind of see how the National Football League really is.
Denying that the issue of marriage equality has changed is being on the wrong side of history and on the wrong side of love and commitment.
I've always tried to write California history as American history. The paradox is that New England history is by definition national history, Mid-Atlantic history is national history. We're still suffering from that.
I love the National Football League.
If the National Football League, an organization notoriously known for not standing behind their athletes of color, can come out to make a statement to condemn racism and their systemic oppression and admit they were wrong for not listening in the past, then the 'Bachelor' franchise can most certainly follow suit.
The Arena League is the best thing that could have happened to me because I get to run the whole process. I'm seeing not only the football side but the business side
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