A Quote by Tom Colicchio

In an ideal world for me, school lunch would be free for everybody. — © Tom Colicchio
In an ideal world for me, school lunch would be free for everybody.
Every day when everybody would have lunch I would do TM [Transcendental Meditation] and then I would eat while I was working because I had missed lunch but that is how I survived the 9 years [of Seinfeld], it was that 20 minutes in the middle of the day would save me.
There's no such thing as a free lunch, unless you have a coupon for a free lunch...or someone gives you a lunch...never mind.
In an ideal world, everybody would find it easy to talk to the press... but not everybody is so excited.
Growing up poor, I didn't even have a lunch to take to school. Lunch was 26 cents, and we didn't even know what 26 cents looked like. I didn't love school because I wanted to disguise that I was poorer than everybody else.
In the financial world it tends to be misleading to state, "There is no free lunch." Rather the more meaningful comment is, "Somebody has to pay for lunch."
It is said that there's no such thing as a free lunch. But the universe is the ultimate free lunch.
In an ideal world, the perfect biographical subject would have been the star of his penmanship class at grade school - and would thereafter write an English that positively sings.
Sometimes, we didn't have enough to eat. I'd go to school with no lunch money, and my school would have to provide it.
I think in an ideal world, one would be able to do everything, however, we don't live in an ideal world.
I really am at a place where I think we need to feed every child at school for free and feed them a real school lunch that's sustainable and nutritious and delicious. It needs to be part of the curriculum of the school in the same way that physical education was part of the curriculum, and all children participated.
My mom used to make delicious aloo ke parathe, and would give me two for school lunch.
I think I'm always subconsciously trying to write the ideal school play. Lots of parts for everybody, great parts for women - don't forget, more girls try out than boys in the school play; everyone gets to be in the school play.
Crumpets for me are the quintessence of a British afternoon tea, the ideal winter warmer that would welcome me home from school.
I'm a professional world champion. Of course if you're a world champion, you're working harder than everybody else. You're making the commitment, and you're making the sacrifices. If it were easy, everybody would be able to do it. Everybody would be able to be world champion, but everybody can't be. Everybody doesn't have it in them.
I want every child in America to eat a nutritious, delicious, sustainably sourced school lunch for free.
A ‘liberal paradise’ would be a place where everybody has guaranteed employment, free comprehensive health care, free education, free food, free housing, free clothing, free utilities and only law enforcement personnel have guns. And, believe it or not, such a liberal utopia does indeed exist. ... It’s called prison.
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