A Quote by Tom Felton

It sounds like a media line, but I'm passionate about thanking the fans for their support. — © Tom Felton
It sounds like a media line, but I'm passionate about thanking the fans for their support.
The support of Chiefs fans across the country has been tremendous. They are truly passionate about their football team.
Fantasy fans are incredibly loyal and passionate. Other people don't want to be seen as passionate about things, they want to be cool and laconic. The great thing about fantasy fans is they'll really get behind a show.
We all felt very passionate about what we wanted to do and how we wanted to be perceived by our fans and by the media.
When the media began reporting that I might return, I was touched by the response from so many fans who wanted to see me back in the sport. That was certainly a factor in the decision, so I'd like to thank the fans for their support. But, at the end of the day, when I received the call it was an offer I couldn't refuse. It was Williams!
It doesn't matter if it's social media or radio media or television media - it's all media, and it's all marketing. It's about understanding where your fans are. And when you have infiltrated them, and they're satisfied, and there's demand, how do you grow it from there?
Most actors are very deeply passionate about their line of work. I suppose there are probably people who sell insurance policies that are passionate about it, but I'm thinking the ratio is a little higher for actors. But, I may be wrong.
For me, casting is critical. It's nice that social media and the passionate fans really corroborated choices and embraced kids to be characters.
It sounds cheesy but I think my life's kinda like a fairy tale. I worked really hard, but I'm very, very lucky too. I'm just 16 and I've done so many amazing things. I travel the world, I have fans who support me, and I get to do what I love - make movies, sing and really be myself. I have a beautiful family, a great support system, and wonderful friends - and I go shopping every week! I'm so lucky, but it's not necessarily like "A Cinderella Story."
I love the fans of genre. Genre fans are the best fans. They're loyal, they're dedicated, and they're passionate about the projects. They get it on a cerebral level. Being a part of that culture and that world... It's very gratifying and very fulfilling.
I write the last line, and then I write the line before that. I find myself writing backwards for a while, until I have a solid sense of how that ending sounds and feels. You have to know what your voice sounds like at the end of the story, because it tells you how to sound when you begin.
Listening to my fans and seeing love and support through social media from them is what I live for.
That idea of comparison is what fans do. That's why fans exist. They believe in something and something connects to them, and they have passionate feelings and opinions about films.
I'm very aware that pro wrestling fans can be some of the most vocal and passionate and descriptive about how they feel when it comes to pro wrestling. So I'm totally fine with how fans talk about how they feel, cause if they're not allowed to voice how they feel, then what's the point of being a wrestling fan. You gotta know what you like and what you do't like and that's fine.
I'm passionate about the game - just like the fans are, and I've coached in the league for a long time, so that's the perspective I will bring to ESPN.
I think we are constantly asked day in and day out to find the things that we find frustrating or inspiring or that we're passionate about, and attack it from that angle. I don't like being lumped into the idea of being media, or liberal media for that point of view. I am not trained as a journalist.
Some interviewers aren't even interested. They're just doing it because they gotta do it. Life is nothing without passion. Whatever you're doing, at least be passionate about it because I'm passionate about what I'm doing. I'm passionate about the words I'm saying right now. Just be passionate. When the interviews is passionate, it's more conversational and we're not covering the same ground.
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