A Quote by Tom Fitton

Judicial Watch has long called for the shutdown of the Mueller special counsel operation and have pursued dozens of Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuits in connection with the illicit targeting and other abuses of President Trump.
Judicial Watch's FOIA lawsuits have already shown the Obama State Department was corruptly targeting President Trump.
Everything having to do with President Trump and Russia, whether it is Mr. Trump's demand for an investigation into the investigation by the special counsel Robert Mueller, or whether Mr. Trump will testify, requires an answer to one essential background question: Can Mr. Mueller seek to indict the president?
President Trump is a defense lawyer's worst nightmare - and a dream defendant for special counsel Robert Mueller.
The Trump enemies don't care that Special Counsel Robert Mueller has concluded that President Trump was telling the truth when he said over and over again that 'there was no collusion' between his campaign and Russia.
The 'Russia collusion' narrative caused untold damage to the Trump administration and its policy goals. It sparked a years-long special counsel probe that pursued scores of Trump associates but found none who had colluded with Russia to steal the 2016 election.
Appointing special counsel Robert Mueller to probe Russian meddling in the 2016 election (and any possible ties to President Trump's campaign) was the only choice the Justice Department had. This is the best way to deal with the conflicts and potential conflicts of interest these matters posed.
The more that is learned about Comey's involvement in the deep state's illicit targeting of President Trump, the more reason the American people must question both Comey's motives and his management as director of the FBI, the now-disgraced agency he headed before Trump fired him.
The sordid story of IRS corruption and political dirty tricks during the Obama years is widely known thanks to numerous documents and emails forced out of the government under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).
Special counsel Robert Mueller, investigating Russian interference in the 2016 election, provided ample evidence that the president should be investigated for obstruction of justice in his attempt to quell the Russia investigation by firing Comey and urging aides to lie.
The first half of Special Counsel Robert Mueller's report, even in redacted form, leaves no room for debate: This president and his campaign eagerly exploited help from Russian agents, despite being aware that Russia was sabotaging our election.
When President Donald Trump nominated Judge Neil Gorsuch to serve on the Supreme Court, I said that he deserved a fair hearing and a vote. I said this even though Senate Republicans filibustered dozens of President Obama's judicial nominees and then stopped President Obama's Supreme Court nominee, Judge Merrick Garland.
It looks like President Donald Trump is caving on his demand for a measly $1 billion in the budget for his wall on the border with Mexico. The Democrats are threatening a government shutdown. It's the same old same old, and I was hoping that Trump would throw this shutdown thing right back in their face. If they get away with it once, they're just going to keep using it.
I don't think the special counsel can avoid that question based upon the president's Donald Trump own statements. But I'm not charging obstruction of justice.
Is it now a crime for someone falsely accused to be upset about it? Mueller presumes guilt and then refuses to 'exonerate' President Trump. This turns our legal system upside down and shows the rule of law is no bar to smearing President Trump.
President Trump has criticized the Mueller investigation, fired Jim Comey, savagely attacked the FBI, and repeatedly suggested the Russia campaign influence in 2016 was a hoax. In the wake of all of this, the American people need to be assured that Mueller can carry out his investigation without interference.
President Trump is right to welcome China's help in bringing North Korea's illicit nuclear program to heal, but he's also correct that if China doesn't go along, the U.S. can act alone.
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