A Quote by Tom Green

I considered myself a professional comedian because the club would pay me $20. — © Tom Green
I considered myself a professional comedian because the club would pay me $20.
My goal is I want to create the 20-20-20 club: 20 sacks, 20 tackles for loss, 20 batted balls.
I thought that choosing a non-professional was a condition for me, because it would allow Juliette to have a less-professional way of acting. It would challenge her performance as a professional actress.
No one iced their body in professional wrestling before me. I did it because I was 35, 36, 37. I was already what would have been considered an old timer.
The thing is, I was never really a comedian - a comedian would scoff at the notion of me as a comedian because I've never done anything, really. I've always just been some guy who's funny.
I would point out that I'm an actress for a reason! If I were popular in high school, I would have considered another career because I wouldn't have been alone in my room, making up other characters for myself. I definitely had growing pains. The popular kids didn't want anything to do with the girl who was starting the drama club.
I must have made a good impression because a club official to us into his office and asked me if I would sign on for a year with a view to becoming a professional.
There are three goals for any comedian: to make a living as a comedian; I've been fortunate to do that. To make a name for yourself and to be famous would be great - because it would give me that freedom.
If I was just considered a looker and wasn't considered an actor, where would I be in 10 or 20 years from now?
I've never considered myself a comedian. I'm a comedic actor.
I've always considered myself a physical person. I don't call myself a farm girl, but I did spend a lot of years shoveling manure and throwing hay, because I worked to pay most of my riding expenses.
I might've been witty, but I didn't have a shtick. So, I never considered myself a comedian.
Back when Jerry Seinfeld was just another comedian hanging around the clubs, I'd imitate him to amuse myself and the other comics. The club owners would say, 'What are you doing that for? Nobody knows him.'
The concept of productivity in America is income divided by labor. So if you're Goldman Sachs and you pay yourself $20 million a year in salary and bonuses, you're considered to have added $20 million to GDP, and that's enormously productive. So we're talking in a tautology. We're talking with circular reasoning here.
I see myself as a comedian rather than a female comedian. I happen to be a woman, but I am a comedian by trade.
My head is in Liverpool and on helping save our season. I am professional and I always fulfil my deals. I haven't considered leaving, although in football that depends on the club.
When you live the life of a comedian, it's such a state of arrested development. I can't deal with anything very maturely. I'm still really bad at paying bills or doing anything that would be considered semi-adult. I'm really bad at it. It's weird I can create and run a TV show, but I can't pay my phone bill.
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