A Quote by Tom Hayden

[Donald] Trump is fascism, that's all, so we have to find a way to work it out between Hillary [Clinton] and Bernie [Sanders]. — © Tom Hayden
[Donald] Trump is fascism, that's all, so we have to find a way to work it out between Hillary [Clinton] and Bernie [Sanders].
Neither Bernie Sanders, Hillary [Clinton], nor [Donald] Trump can stop the Wrath of God that is coming down on America.
I noted, though, that other strong critics of Donald Trump did attend the inauguration. Hillary Clinton went. Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders went. I saw Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren. I saw Congressman James Clyburn, all of whom have been critics of Donald Trump.
Let's not forget something on this prosecuting Hillary [Clinton] business. It's not just [Donald] Trump supporters. Bernie Sanders supporters are gonna be among those who are not happy to hear this.
The Republicans are mad at Donald Trump, and the Democrats are mad at Hillary Clinton. And the Bernie Sanders people are mad at everybody. When has that ever happened?
Hillary [Clinton] can't stop [Forces of Nature], [Bernie] Sanders can't stop it, [Donald] Trump can't stop it. But you can do something that will cause God to give America a longer time to exist as a nation.
There has been a fair amount of criticism of the DNC for letting this squabble between [Bernie] Sanders and [Hillary] Clinton campaigns spill out into the open.
A CNN poll shows both Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton beating Donald Trump in the general. Are republicans about to elect a loser? Who knows? But at least we can say it sells great. Then in 2032, we can nominate Justin Bieber and start all over again.
A recent analysis of election coverage by the Tindall report which tracks network nicely news programs found that Bernie Sanders received just ten minutes out of 857 minutes of campaign coverage in 2015. Compare that to 234 minutes for Donald Trump, and 113 for Hillary Clinton.
No matter what Bernie Sanders did, no matter how many delegates he was getting, Hillary Clinton was always going to trump this, and Bernie never had a chance. That's the real rigging of an election; that's the real interference in an election, and nobody talks about that, including Crazy Bernie.
Bernie Sanders lost the Democratic presidential nomination to Hillary Clinton, but he won more than 12 million votes in the primaries and was respectfully and elaborately saluted by Hillary Clinton, whom he has endorsed.
Both Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton's positions are far more in line with the German National Socialism approach than Trump could even dream of being.
We learned that Bernie Sanders was taken advantage of by Hillary Clinton's people, by Debbie Wasserman Schultz. Look what happened to her. But Bernie Sanders was taken advantage of. That's what we learned.
The contest between Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders offered such a bright and bracing contrast to all those professional wrestlers emerging from the RNC's clown car.
Trump is going to be the change agent. Hillary Clinton is going to be the status quo. Bernie Sanders is not going to be in the mix.
At the debate, Donald Trump backed off of his health care position for 20 years. For 20 years, he has agreed with Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders on socialized medicine, saying Obamacare doesn't go far enough. He wants the government to pay for everyone's health care and to control it.
Donald Trump agreed with Hillary Clinton supporting John Kerry. He agreed with Hillary Clinton on being - quote - "neutral" between Israel and the Palestinians.
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