A Quote by Tom Peters

Celebrate what you want to see more of. — © Tom Peters
Celebrate what you want to see more of.
I think one of the keys is to celebrate intelligent failures and when things don't work, learn from those. Celebrate learning more than we celebrate the failure itself.
Obviously, if you win a trophy, like I won when I was a player, it's a moment to celebrate. For me - this is my mentality, and I don't want to say it's right or wrong - I love to celebrate in private and not make it public. I love to celebrate the things with your team-mates.
During National Playground Safety Week, I'll celebrate common-sense safety. I'll also celebrate skinned knees and bruised elbows. I'll celebrate so-called 'dangerous' playgrounds - playgrounds with see-saws, zip lines and towering slides.
I want to get up and celebrate something - and why not celebrate being a woman?
I want to see more Asian. I want to see more Latin. I want more Indian. There's more than Mindy Kaling out there, guys! There's more than Bai Ling.
People used to see things that disgusted them and say, 'I never want to see that again.' Now we've reached the point where we see things that are disturbing and revolting to us, but we want to see more and more of it.
On Christmas, my family and I see a movie and go out for Chinese food. We don't celebrate Christmas in the traditional sense, in that we do not actually celebrate Christmas.
On Christmas, my family and I see a movie and go out for Chinese food. We dont celebrate Christmas in the traditional sense, in that we do not actually celebrate Christmas.
The fans want to see more. They're there to see fights, they want to see more, they want to see people get put unconscious, whatever. But you can't get put in those spots.
As we celebrate mediocrity, all the boys upstairs want to see. How much you'll pay for what you used to get for free.
I appreciate photographs which celebrate harmony. I don't particularly want to look at chaos. I see enough of that at home.
Celebrate your humanness, celebrate your craziness, celebrate your inadequacies, celebrate your loneliness ... but celebrate YOU!
You can't celebrate gifts without celebrating the giver of all gifts, so I want to celebrate Jesus.
To me, life in its totality is good. And when you understand life in its totality, only then can you celebrate; otherwise not. Celebration means: whatsoever happens is irrelevant - I celebrate. Celebration is not conditional on certain things: 'When I am happy then I will celebrate,' or, 'When I am unhappy I will not celebrate.' No. Celebration is unconditional; I celebrate life. It brings unhappiness - good, I celebrate it. It brings happiness - good, I celebrate it. Celebration is my attitude, unconditional to what life brings.
You see, here in America there's a reason why we celebrate the 4th of July and not April 15th because in America we celebrate our independence from the government, not our dependence on it.
Many Americans celebrate both Christmas and Xmas. Others celebrate one or the other. And some of us celebrate holidays that, although unconnected with the [winter] solstice, occur near it: Ramadan, Hanukkah and Kwanzaa.
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