A Quote by Tom Petty

You get into your late fifties, people start falling like flies all around you. I don't take life for granted any more. I'm really glad to be here. — © Tom Petty
You get into your late fifties, people start falling like flies all around you. I don't take life for granted any more. I'm really glad to be here.
I think with success you do get a little more guarded and you start to change your friends. You become more isolated. And you start hanging around with people who have money! I think that's the biggest thing. Once you do get a bit of change in your pocket, you start hanging around with other people who have some change. It was kind of strange to all of a sudden go from one extreme-Manhattan-to where I went, upstate New York. But I did it because I was dying in the city. I couldn't take it. I couldn't take one more dinner party. I couldn't take one more party, period.
The enlightened give thanks for what most people take for granted.... As you begin to be grateful for what most people take for granted, the vibration of gratitude makes you more receptive to good in your life.
You get married, you start having responsibilities. It's really hard if your dream hasn't caught some traction by the time you're in your mid-to-late 20s. You want to provide for your family. I would say, the majority of people fall in that boat. They want to do something, but life gets in the way. And they're like "well, I'm going to get this job, and have safety and security."
You can't really take it for granted that people listen to your music. I want to write songs that are on par, at least in my mind, with the ones I've loved for my whole life and that will be around forever.
As I get older... I start to realize that life ain't half bad. Each year, I'm amazed that I'm still alive. I don't take any of this for granted, I'm a lucky dude.
I think you realize the opportunities that we have and how special it is, that my kids are going to get to grow up being in an NFL locker room, kind of running around. I'm not trying to take any of this for granted because not many people get this opportunity. It's kind of cool that my boys are going to get the opportunity to be around this.
At a certain point, if you work really hard and you get good and people like your work, you do deserve the fame - but you shouldn't take it for granted.
I don't really like long flights any more - I find them too tiring. Flying always involves the same things these days - huge crowds at airports, waiting around, late take-offs, weather problems, and so on. I don't really enjoy travelling. I don't imagine anyone does except young children.
God and the universe said to me one day, "You're only going to get what's good for you." That's kind of how I try to look at things. Isn't that true, when you look back at things? "Ooh, I'm glad I didn't get that!" You get more philosophical when you get older, with the more life experiences you have. But I don't have any bad feelings towards anybody that was ever involved in any of that stuff, because I don't think that people usually set out to hurt you. I think that hurt is all manufactured by yourself and your expectations.
One day I found out that personal history was no longer necessary for me and, like drinking, I dropped it... Little by little you must create a fog around yourself; you must erase everything around you until nothing can be taken for granted, until nothing is any longer for sure, or real. Your problem now is that you're too real. Your endeavors are too real, your moods are too real. Don't take things so for granted. You must begin to erase yourself.
At the end of the day, I think everybody takes for granted that they get up, get out of bed every morning - just the mere fact that they can stand in front of the mirror and brush their teeth and get in their car and take off? A lot of people take their health for granted.
People always talk about how time flies; it's become sort of a colloquialism now. You don't really understand it until you reach your late 30s and early 40s - and I'm sure time will move even faster as I get older.
One of the things I realized is that if you do not take control over your time and your life, other people will gobble it up. If you don't prioritize yourself, you constantly start falling lower and lower on your list, your kids fall lower and lower on your list.
People take love's continuity for granted, just as they take their body's continuity for granted. They don't realize that the best thing about love is its regular presence. Once you can establish that, it's an added foundation to your life.
I was largely drinking to forget where I was. When you’re in a place like Vietnam, you get to a point where you don’t care any more. You’re in a place that’s foreign to you, and you know for a fact that many people there hate you and will kill you if they get the chance. It really does something to your mind to know that many of the people living around you don’t like you and want you to die.
It's Good...But No more rush hour driving To start and end your day No more early alarm calls But..much less pay No more back stabbing Or rising to the bait No more phone calls from the boss Asking you to work late But...having to get by On half your hourly rate Now you have all day To sit or doze to stay to go Anywhere you like... ..cheaply You've got less dough Travel around the world Do anything you've desired But do it economically Now that you're retired
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