A Quote by Tom Tancredo

He can fight terrorists overseas, but he leaves our borders so they can come in here and do their thing. — © Tom Tancredo
He can fight terrorists overseas, but he leaves our borders so they can come in here and do their thing.
Americans are rightly concerned about the security and the integrity of the nation's borders because the system is broken. Some are concerned about the possibility of terrorists crossing our borders and coming into our cities.
I'm glad that the NSA is trying to find out what the terrorists are up to overseas and in our country. I'm glad that activity is going on, but it is limited to tracking people who are suspected to be terrorists and who they may be talking to... Yes, I am sure that that's what they're doing.
I will continue to fight to secure our borders and implement common sense policies aimed at reducing violence and the flow of illegal narcotics, firearms, people, and money across our borders.
I think we live in a country where we go overseas, and we fight other people's wars, and we fight terrorism overseas internationally, but we don't want to fully acknowledge the terrorism that goes on domestically.
Our armed forces have given many sacrifices to defeat terrorists and root out their hideouts. This fight will continue until all terrorists are defeated.
There's only two classes of people: terrorists and non-terrorists. Terrorists come in every flavour: there are Buddhist terrorists right now killing Rohingya in Burma! Buddhists! They're not allowed to kill bugs.
No state should have to endure the threat of terrorists entering our borders.
From our side, from our part as government, we have two missions: the first one is to fight those terrorists to liberate that area [eastern part of Aleppo] and the civilians from those terrorists, and at the same time to try to find a solution to evacuate that area from those terrorists if they accept, let's say, what you call it reconciliation option, in which they either give up their armaments for amnesty, or they leave that area.
We have terrorists coming into the country both through our Northern and Southern borders.
We have to fight the terrorists as if there were no rules and preserve our open society as if there were no terrorists.
The relevance for 9/11 is that what 9/11 marked was the beginning of a struggle in which the terrorists come at us and strike us here on our home territory. And it's a global operation. It doesn't know national boundaries or national borders.
The United States did not choose to fight Islamic extremists. These terrorists chose to fight our way of life. They chose to challenge our existence.
We`ll fight terrorists in Iraq, we'll fight them across the world, and we will stay in the fight until the fight is won.
If U.S. occupation is a primary recruitment tool and what inspires Islamic terrorists, are many of our current efforts overseas actually fighting terrorism and diminishing the threat?
We are so appreciative of the men and women in uniform who are protecting us, whether in Afghanistan or Iraq or on ships around the world. For our security, they are taking the offensive to the terrorists overseas.
Let's be frank: if there are hardened terrorists [Australian] who are fighting overseas, we don't want to see those people come back to our shores. But if we could stop youngsters, teenagers from falling into the snares of ISIL or Jabhat al-Nusra or other terrorist organisations through parental intervention and other strategies then, we hope to be able to rescue them before they commit these crimes.
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