A Quote by Tommy Hilfiger

Trying too hard to follow every trend. You want to look fashionable and put-together, not like you hit every sale rack this season. — © Tommy Hilfiger
Trying too hard to follow every trend. You want to look fashionable and put-together, not like you hit every sale rack this season.
You want to look fashionable and put-together, not like you hit every sale rack this season.
I like to look put together without trying too hard. I don't want to look as if God's made another rainbow - I prefer muted, autumnal colours, like most fading redheads.
I don't avoid trends. You do definitely want to be on-trend, but I do like to pick and choose the things that I'm seeing. And not every trend will work on every client of mine.
Great style means having a point of view, but evolving your look is even more important. Rushing to embrace every trend will leave you fashionable, but not stylish
I like to read the classified ads every morning. Just the cars for sale. Love to look at cars for sale, Don't buy them, of course. Just look. But I don't like to talk to people.
People who follow all the rules and chase every trend tend to get forgotten - they look great, but they're not as memorable.
I'm trying to put together quality at-bats and hit the ball hard somewhere.
Life is like a cash register, in that every account, every thought, every deed, like every sale, is registered and recorded.
I struggle with confidence, every time. I’m never completely sure I can write another book. Maybe my scope is too grand, my questions too hard, surely readers won’t want to follow me here. A novel is like a cathedral, it knocks you down to size when you enter into it.
Part of the tradition of the Christmas season is every night my son and I hit the town and look for every Christmas light we can find. This is something my son absolutely adores.
Even in 'The OA,' we had to follow Guild requirements and put 'directed by' and the credits, and I'm embarrassed to put my name every time. I mean, who cares. Look it up on the Internet if you want to know who made it.
I like to think that it looks effortless rather than trying too hard. I'm not necessarily a trend-driven person. I like to kind of do my own thing.
What I learned from being around great icons like Calvin Klein is that the great fashion trendsetters don't change their look every season. They have a look, and they update maybe a piece per season.
Every season is hard, every season has its ups and downs.
It's hard to put yourself in front of a camera, in front of the world, when you don't feel like you look the part. I've always had that problem. But I deal with it every day. When I'm interviewing, I'm like, "How do I look? Do I look all right?"
I looked at the rap community like street kids wanting their own brand. But now I look at that period with the rappers in the 90s as a trend of the moment. What it taught me was never to follow a trend, because trends move on.
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