A Quote by Toni Kukoc

I'm disappointed anytime I don't play well. — © Toni Kukoc
I'm disappointed anytime I don't play well.
Anytime I can add a smile to somebody's life that's all well and good, but I play the game to play the game.
I am disappointed when I lose and don't play well, for example. But it is not so disappointing to lose when you play good. And I never feel I want to put the racquet down and walk away because of losing.
Anytime you see Beyonce, Jay Z, Kanye West. Anytime a young black person's doing good, that's motivation for everybody else. Anytime, anytime, it's motivation. Use that fuel to push you forward. That's what I did.
Anytime a person can play the blues, he has a soul and he has a 'lift' to play anything else he wants to play. It's sort of like the foundation to a building.
Everyone's disappointed when they don't feel like they play well or they make a mistake. I'm the first one to hold my hand up and try and rectify that in training or the next game.
I don't know whether I'm misanthropic. It seems to me I'm constantly disappointed. I'm very easily disappointed. Disappointed in the things that people do; disappointed in the things that people construct. I want things to be better all the time.
I don't have to play just against NBA guys. No, I'll play anywhere, anytime.
Anytime you get to play a team twice, you have a feel for what they do and how they play.
Anytime you play basketball and your backs are to the wall, you have to come out and play aggressive.
Donald Trump actually won a lot of people. We've got to give the president-elect his due. He was a tractor beam for the disappointed. He said to the people who were disappointed with the president on Obamacare, "Come to me." He said to the people who were disappointed with trade, "Come to me." He said to the people who were disappointed with the Supreme Court, "Come to me." And he did run a campaign of bringing in the disappointed. And to the people who may be disappointed with their own lives and where they are. And they have a person to speak for them.
It's nice to have video play, radio play but as long as I can work my virals on the Internet, or yet get it out to where people hear it and can see it anytime, I'm cool.
It has been our experience that if a young man decides to go on a mission, he can not only play well when he returns, he will often play better. If an athlete could play well before he went on a mission, he will definitely play well when he returns; and, if an athlete could not play well before his mission, he probably won't play well when he returns. However, his chances of playing well are perhaps better if he goes because he will return with . . . better work habits, and a better knowledge of what it takes to be successful.
I mean you have been disappointed in love, but don't you know how many things there are to be disappointed in besides love? You are lucky to be still disappointed in love. Later it may be even more terrible.
I think people are just really disappointed, disappointed with Blair as well, who's just like Bush's lapdog. I think everyone's just disillusioned with politics in our country, and it must be the same in your country.
Anytime that knowledge and a version of the truth are considered to be absolute, fundamentalism is the result, whether the arena is Christianity, Islam, Judaism, or any other religious faith, as well as atheism, conservative or liberal political views, even evolution or intelligent design. Anytime our minds are closed and there is no room for dissent, we are on a slippery slope towards stagnation.
I asked my priest if it was a sin to play golf on Sunday. And he said, "It's a sin for you to play anytime."
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