A Quote by Tony Dungy

False modesty is an attempt to tear yourself down. True humility focuses more on build up others. — © Tony Dungy
False modesty is an attempt to tear yourself down. True humility focuses more on build up others.
True humility is more like self-forgetfulness than false modesty.
In each moment, you have a choice where you can build yourself up or tear yourself down, and choosing to build yourself up is always within your power.
One who has an inferiority complex can never be really humble, but can only have false modesty or false humility.
We must not confuse humility with false modesty or servility.
Critics like to build you up, tear you down, and then, if you're lucky, build you up again.
true humility is when you can surprise yourself more than others; the rest is either shyness or good marketing
Fidelity to conscience is inconsistent with retiring modesty. If it be so, let the modesty succumb. It can be only a false modesty which can be thus endangered.
Let us be absolutely clear about one thing: we must not confuse humility with false modesty or servility.
True modesty avoids everything that is criminal; false modesty everything that is unfashionable.
The more we cling to virtues like humility, selflessness, modesty, and purity, the more beautiful we become - not only in His eyes, but also in the eyes of others. You can't airbrush that.
One measure of your success will be the degree to which you build up others who work with you. While building up others, you will build up yourself.
I don't tear down. I prefer to build up.
I say: liberate yourself as far as you can, and you have done your part; for it is not given to every one to break through all limits, or, more expressively, not to everyone is that a limit which is a limit for the rest. Consequently, do not tire yourself with toiling at the limits of others; enough if you tear down yours. He who overturns one of his limits may have shown others the way and the means; the overturning of their limits remains their affair.
Your false self is always that which is passing away. Your true self doesn't go up or down, it's constant - it's a rock. Once you learn how to live there, what others say about you, your failures or successes - these don't send you on a roller coaster ride down or up. It's really the only way to peace. There's no other way to be peaceful except in the true self.
That happens to everybody who rises up in stature: They build you up and then they start trying to tear you down.
When it seems that God shows us the faults of others, keep on the safer side-it may be that your judgment is false. On your lips let silence abide. And any vice that you may ascribe to others, ascribe at once to them and yourself, in true humility. If that vice really exists in a person, he will correct himself better, seeing himself so gently understood, and will say of his own accord the thing that you would have said to him.
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