A Quote by Tony Robbins

Negative things you tell yourself are inCANTations, turn them into inCANtations. — © Tony Robbins
Negative things you tell yourself are inCANTations, turn them into inCANtations.
The soul is cured of its maladies by certain incantations; these incantations are beautiful reasons, from which temperance is generated in souls.
Incantations for Muggles: The Role of Ubiquitous Web 2.0 Technologies in Everyday Life.
Where prayer, amulets and incantations work it is only a manifestation of the patient's belief.
A wise doctor does not mutter incantations over a sore that needs the knife.
When I try to use incantations at work i often find they have no effect and my coworkers just laugh at me.
Repetition of the same chant, the same incantations, the same affirmations leads to belief, and once that belief becomes a deep conviction, things begin to happen.
Explain to me again the difference between superstitious beliefs or pagan incantations, and scientific ones. Be braver - you cannot cross a chasm in two small jumps.
Not to waste time on nonsense. Not to be taken in by conjurors and hoodoo artists with their talk about incantations and exorcism and all the rest of it. Not to be obsessed with quail-fighting or other crazes like that.
Virtually all the trends that matter are making a mockery of the industry's ritual incantations about the values and virtues of a free press in a free society.
I would have to say the power to heal. This show has enhanced my relationship to magic. I would have called it prayer. There are definitely certain incantations that I do now.
Anyone who has ever spent time listening to a legislature knows the astonishing speed at which all presiding officers and reading clerks can spit out the formulaic incantations of parliamentary procedure.
Work with sound until you are absolutely amazed that you can produce such a sound and it seems to you that you are just the instrument to which the divine pied piper blows the whisper of the incantations of his magic spell.
The mummy's curse really didn't catch on as a premise until they opened Tut's tomb. But it is true that there are spells, and incantations, and warnings on some of the pharaoh's tombs that do promise destruction to anyone who disrupts their eternal sleep, so there is precedence for it.
Voltaire remarked that it is possible to kill a flock of sheep by witchcraft if you give them plenty of arsenic at the same time. The sheep, in this figure, may well stand for the complacent apologists of capitalism; Marx's penetrating insight and bitter hatred of oppression supply the arsenic, while the labour theory of value provides the incantations.
When I contrast the loving Jesus, comprehending all things in his ample and tender charity, with those who profess to bear his name, marking their zeal by what they do not love, it seems to me as though men, like the witches of old, had read the Bible backward, and had taken incantations out of it for evil, rather than inspiration for good.
I made a conscious decision not to tell anyone in my life. Now I tell people - don't tell anyone your idea until you have invested enough of yourself in it that you are not going to turn back. When a person has an idea at that conception moment it is the most vulnerable - one negative comment could knock you off course.
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