A Quote by Too Short

I actually flunked the 10th grade on purpose. — © Too Short
I actually flunked the 10th grade on purpose.

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I am a 10th class pass in Hindi. From 7th grade to 12th grade, I was in Delhi; before that, I was abroad. I came in not knowing a word of Hindi in 7th grade and learned Hindi and passed the exam in 10th. I think I was north of 50 percent, so I feel very proud of that accomplishment.
I've always been a late bloomer. My body developed late. From ninth to 10th grade, I grew like 3 inches. Just kind of stretched out. I was like 6-1, grew to 6-4 in 10th grade.
I almost flunked first grade and also the second, third, forth, and fifth; but my younger brother was in the grade behind me and he was a brain and nobody wanted to have me be in the same grade as him, so they kept passing me. I never learned how to spell, graduated from eighth grade counting on my fingers to do simple addition, and in general was not a resounding academic success.
I never went to high school. I never really finished eighth grade. I was kicked out of seventh grade once and eighth grade twice. Mainly for not showing up and not doing it. Then I went to an alternative high school for part of what would have been ninth grade and part of what would have been 10th grade.
I got into a fight in my 10th-grade year, and it was on ESPN. It was a mistake, and you learn from it. Starting from the seventh grade, everything's been magnified like that. It's kind of like you have no childhood.
My dream was to go to Syracuse. I wanted to be a part of the Orangemen. I actually thought I was going there up until around 10th grade when I knew that wasn't really going to happen, so I started pursuing rap.
I shaved my eyebrows in 10th grade.
I've been Rico since 10th grade.
When I left for Milford I was in the 10th grade and had never read a book from cover to cover. From the fifth grade on I felt if you studied intently something was wrong. The coolest kid in class was regarded as the leader and you fell in behind him or you were frowned upon... and whatever else that entailed.
I spent three of the best years of my life in 10th grade.
I didn't only have a perceptual problem, I was also so nervous and so upset. The process just didn't work. I lost enthusiasm for school and I flunked second grade. The teachers said I was lazy.
I started to get a whole lot of attention in the 10th grade. That's when I kind of came out of a little bit of a shell, or whatever, as far as basketball was concerned. I stopped being so goofy. For a high school kid, my game matured a little faster. It got better from the ninth to tenth grade.
I hit a big growth spurt between my 10th and 11th grade years.
I think I was in 10th or 11th grade before I ever read a book for pleasure.
In fifth grade, we did 10 minutes on slavery and 40 minutes on Abraham Lincoln, and in 10th grade you might do 10 minutes on the civil rights era and 40 minutes on Martin Luther King, and that's it.
I don't know why I always liked aerospace engineering. I was in the 10th grade when I figured that's what I wanted to do.
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