A Quote by Trisha Goddard

If you are in the job for glamour, you're in for the shock of your life. The media is a huge shark pool. — © Trisha Goddard
If you are in the job for glamour, you're in for the shock of your life. The media is a huge shark pool.
I love pool because it's a game of strategy, a game of the eye, and your whole universe is like this. I really want to become a pool shark.
There are 350 varieties of shark, not counting loan and pool.
When you're a kid, you learn whatever your parents think until you start taking in media. Because all your friends are your age as well, media is the third parent that you ever have. So I think about that a lot, what visual imagery is teaching us, and media in general having a huge impact.
I was watching one of those animal shows on the Discovery Channel. There was a guy inventing a shark bite suit. And there's only one way to test it. All right Jimmy, you got that shark suit on, it looks good... They want you to jump into this pool of sharks, and you tell us if it hurts when they bite you. Well, all right, but hold my sign. I don't wanna lose it.
I think the 'Jaws' shark and the 'Shark Night' shark would fall in love and make sweet babies.
If you're in a band, social media has to be a huge part of your life.
Social media is huge. You can give people a behind-the-scenes look at your life.
Yes, I'm a homosexual and I like to shock people with glamour.
When I went to Australia, I went shark diving. It was crazy. It was called 'extreme' shark diving because even though we were in cages, we literally could touch the sharks swimming by. They were huge and I'm terrified of sharks. Then I went to a wildlife park and held kangaroos. That was nice.
If I wanted to make it out of the hood, which I did, and do something fulfilling with my life then I needed a job that paid me a lot of money. Coincidentally, I found that job being a glamour model.
I won't swim in a pool by myself, because I think that somehow a little magic door is going to open up and let a shark out.
So for me, you can't control the media, you have to work with media to get your message out there and you just hope that there's enough good honest reporting and people in the media that can get that job done.
There's no way of preventing the media from covering attacks as huge events and until the media stops doing that, they will be huge in people's consciousness, and we have to treat these things differently from the smaller random acts of violence.
When you makes movies, you usually make good money. But it is also a very tough job. Once you enter the public's eye, you have to be aware that you give up a huge part of your own life. And it is never a job from nine to five.
It was a shock to everyone when I became a rapper. Huge shock to everyone. But I knew it all along. I just didn't want to tell anybody cause then it's like, What if it doesn't work?
One of the things that always drives any practitioner of journalism crazy is you'll run it people who say why doesn't the media cover this or that? Well of course the media covered it. Why didn't you read about it? And, you know, it's, you know, there you are, it's not the journalist's job to knock down your door, you know, punch the URL into your computer and force you to stop watching the Kardashians and to read, you know, a report on integrity in government instead, it's your job.
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