A Quote by Tucker Carlson

People like entitlements. That's why we spend so much on them. — © Tucker Carlson
People like entitlements. That's why we spend so much on them.
Why are people born? Why do they die? Why do they want to spend so much of the intervening time wearing digital watches?
Firms would be given initial entitlements to gross markup on the basis of past performance. These entitlements would be transferable and a market in them would be developed.
The problem with the literary hothouse of New York City is that people spend so much time looking in the mirror. They go to parties with people who are just like them, and they write novels about people who are just like them. It's limiting.
I respect every mother and I believe people are entitled to use whatever benefits, claims and entitlements, if you like, that are available to them
The beauty of kids is they don't care who you are, which is why people like the Obamas like them so much - they treat them like normal people.
I like to play video games, I like to keep up with sports, and I just like to spend time with people, because I'm on the road so much that when I'm home, I like to spend time with people that I don't normally get to see.
I can't see why people call me a bad influence. I meet a lot of kids who are into music. I spend as much time as I can with them. I listen to their demos, and I'm encouraging.
I don't understand why people spend so much time thinking about me if they don't like what I do. I couldn't care less about things I don't like.
People who don't like musicals like, 'why are they singing? Why aren't they just talking? If you make the lyric feel really conversational, it's much easier for them to bridge that gap.
I saw how much money people spent in the fashion industry, and I was like, 'Oh, man, if someone can spend this much on clothes, they certainly can spend five dollars a month on causes.'
I learned to do with little. And that's why today, I only spend the taxpayers' money like I spend my own, which is seldom. The people of Mississauga love that.
Most people, of course, spend their lives caring about the wrong things. The worry about South Africa or Nicaragua. They spend so much time finding themselves that they lose their taxicabs. They don't see that what kind of napkin you get at a delicatessen is a matter of much significance in the world today. That's why they don't get linen.
I have such respect for people who do non-fiction casting after settling on the grandparents we got for this. It is really hard to find people who are not fame-whores. We're lucky these people actually wanted to spend their time doing this. All of them would have much rather been cooking without the cameras, being with their families. That's why they're great characters.
Why are we ignoring the oceans? Why does NASA spend in one year what NOAA will spend in 1600 years? Why are we looking up? Why are we afraid of the ocean?
Our people work more, earn more, spend more. Here they work less, gain less, and spend less, but they are happy! That's what I think. Also, I haven't seen people here drink much, unlike Kerala, where it's almost like bread and coffee for them!
When you're at drama school you spend so much time working on amazing texts and analyzing them, digging into them, and figuring out why it happens, why you are being asked to say what you're saying, and what the words mean. But then when you start working, most of the stuff would just fall apart if you subject it to that kind of scrutiny.
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