A Quote by Tucker Carlson

People with conservative temperaments don't become fighter pilots or presidential candidates - they're all that way to some extent. — © Tucker Carlson
People with conservative temperaments don't become fighter pilots or presidential candidates - they're all that way to some extent.
Because liberalism typically doesn't sell in American presidential politics, liberal candidates tend to run as culturally conservative centrists.
There are pilots and there are pilots; with the good ones, it is inborn. You can't teach it. If you are a fighter pilot, you have to be willing to take risks.
Presidential and vice-presidential debates are not about campaign staff or consultants, and it is high time we as a people took control and reminded them and their candidates of that important fact.
The two majority candidates right now, the Democratic and Republican candidates,[Donald] Trump and [Hillary] Clinton, are the most disliked and untrusted Presidential candidates in our history with more than majority disapproval.
As we grow older, we should learn that these are two quite different things. Character is something you forge for yourself; temperament is something you are born with and can only slightly modify. Some people have easy temperaments and weak characters; others have difficult temperaments and strong characters. We are all prone to confuse the two in assessing people we associate with. Those with easy temperaments and weak characters are more likable than admirable; those with difficult temperaments and strong characters are more admirable than likable.
Socially conservative Republican presidential candidates would do best to unite around policies that will both strengthen marriage and protect religious liberties - rather than fruitlessly trying to tell fellow Americans who they can and can't marry.
When candidates run on conservative principles, they win. But when we legislate conservative policies, the American people win.
Tonight the Republican presidential candidates had a big debate, 10 candidates. The last time that many rich white guys got together, I think Exxon merged with Mobil.
To some extent it [Mr. Bush's standing in the polls] is affecting the races, but only because the races really haven't begun. At some point these races are going to be about the two candidates in each race. This is ultimately not going to be about Bush helping or hurting someone getting elected, but ultimately will be about the candidates' records.
The conservative version of American exceptionalism has become a password of sorts for candidates who want to prove their credentials to a right-wing America.
The history of philosophy is to a great extent that of a certain clash of human temperaments.
I did not know in the beginning how important the trip would be but we knew that Iran was in the crosshairs of the Neo-Conservative movement. And when you listen to Mr. Ted Cruz, the Republican presidential hopeful, and when you listen to Mr. Marco Rubio, a Republican presidential candidate, when you listen to their language, it says to me that they are agents of the Neo-Conservative strategy.
Presidential primary debates are an important part of our political process. But the media has wrested complete control from the parties and candidates over everything, including the number, the format, the qualifications, and the moderators. And they've become a circus.
Whether or not you agree with Bernie Sanders' version of socialism, it is enormously significant that, for the first time in US history, a presidential candidates who calls himself a socialist has had an actual shot at winning the presidential election. And to his credit, he has not backed down from the label.
There's nothing in the 14th Amendment that says if you are born to a mother who is a citizen that you're automatically a citizen. It isn't there. Even some of our presidential candidates think that it is.
Any girl who has flown at all grows used to the prejudice of most men pilots who will trot out any number of reasons why women can't possibly be good pilots. . . . The only way to show the disbelievers, the snickering hangar pilots, is to show them.
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