A Quote by Tupac Shakur

You know it's funny, when it rains it pours they got money for wars, but can't feed the poor. — © Tupac Shakur
You know it's funny, when it rains it pours they got money for wars, but can't feed the poor.
I got a smile that'll make the mirror crack, And I seem to stay under clouds that's pitch black. So when it rains, it pours, and when it pours, I'm soaked. I contracted lung cancer from third hand smoke, And I'm like the frog that's dying to be a prince, The boy who cried wolf and no one was convinced. The man who hit lotto and lost his ticket, In a rainstorm...and struck by lightning trying to get it.
You've got to gamble on yourself. If you don't, no one else is going to. It's very hard when you're poor to turn down money. When you've got money, it's easy. When you're poor, you need money today. People take advantage of poor people.
It never rains in Manchester, but it pours
When it rains, it pours - figuratively and literally.
When it rains, it pours - figuratively and literally
Just like the Perimeter! It never rains but it pours," declared the Major.
Mr. President, when it rains it pours, but most Americans hold their own umbrellas
There are a lot of truths in this world. When it rains it pours. It's always darkest before the dawn. He who smelt it dealt it.
They Have Money For War But Can't Feed The Poor.
My Country's trying to save the World, stop the wars, relieve the poor, feed the hungry, heal the sick and liberate the captives that are bound by countries like America!
Like every poor person, I used to dream about winning the lottery. I didn't just get money, though. I got fame. And I got fame before I got money, and it was scary.
If I rewind back to that period, I was 8 in 1977 when 'Star Wars' was in theaters. I saved up money, or my parents got me the 'Art of Star Wars' book.
Essentially, we have a system where wealthy farmers feed the poor crap and poor farmers feed the wealthy high-quality food.
The poor lack money. They lack money because they do not know the secret of productive wealth. They know it is possible to be old, unemployed, uneducated, lazy - even halt, deaf, dumb, and blind-and still be excessively rich. But you have to be in on the secret, and the poor by definition are not.
There's a lot of money in wars, except in the war on poverty. Can't make any bread helping the poor.
If the "rich" were swarming into poor neighborhoods and beating the poor until they coughed up the dimes they swallowed for safekeeping, yes, this would be a transfer of income from the poor to the rich. But allowing taxpayers to keep more of their money does not qualify as taking it from the poor - unless you believe that the poor have a moral claim to the money other people earn.
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