A Quote by Tupac Shakur

Everything in life is not all beautiful, not all fun. There is lots of killing and drugs. — © Tupac Shakur
Everything in life is not all beautiful, not all fun. There is lots of killing and drugs.
The choice is not between drugs and no drugs, but between illegal drugs and legal drugs. Until the 1920s drugs were legal, why not now? Lots of people are on drugs anyway - it is called medication.
You're trying to tell me that everything you've done is for a good cause. You think that all this killing is worth it because of the results. I'm not sure I agree. Lots of people work for charity; lots of people want to change the world. But they don't have to behave like you.
I think I am in my last days, but it doesn't really matter because I have had such a beautiful life. I have lived through many wars and have lost everything many times - including my husband, my mother and my beloved son. Yet, life is beautiful, and I have so much to learn and enjoy. I have no space nor time for pessimism and hate. Life is beautiful, love is beautiful, nature and music are beautiful. Everything we experience is a gift, a present we should cherish and pass on to those we love.
They said I ignored the drug problem. Well, I gave speeches on drugs, I wrote books on drugs. I did darn near everything on drugs!
Killing is killing whether done for duty, profit or fun.
I know something about killing. I don't like killing. And I don't think a state honors life by turning around and sanctioning killing.
Drugs are horrible; I say no to drugs. I've never done drugs in my life.
Today about 95% of the prescription drugs sold are Maintenance drugs-drugs that treat only the symptoms of a disease, and that you are expected to take for the rest of your life.
Most drugs sold in the U.S. are produced outside of the country, and if we can ensure supply-chain safety for these drugs, introducing more of them to the market quicker could mean major differences in the price of drugs, quality of life for patients, and for some Americans the difference between life and death.
It's killing for fun or profit I can't stand. There's a difference between an Eskimo killing a seal for survival and some dumb broad strolling down Fifth Avenue in a leopard coat.
I'm very serious about no alcohol, no drugs. Life is too beautiful.
In any case, life is beautiful, extremely beautiful. And when you are old you appreciate it more. When you are older you think, you remember, you care and you appreciate. You are thankful for everything. For everything.
The drugs are poisoning our youth, the drugs are poisoning our youth and others. But we're getting the drugs [from Mexico] and we're getting lots of problems.
Sociopaths are not inhibited by the notion that it's wrong to be addicted, or wrong to buy illegal drugs. Also, drinking or taking drugs can be a lot of fun, and even if it's not, it can dull that painful boredom for a while. So can certain other things, like taking risks, and particularly if you take a risk-averse person and you can manipulate him or her into taking risks, that's really fun.
Of course drugs were fun. And that's what's so stupid about anti-drug campaigns; they don't admit that. I can't say I feel particularly scarred or lessened by my experimentation with drugs. They've gotten a very bad name.
We meet a lot of people, we drink lots of stuff and have lots of fun
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