A Quote by Tyler Hoechlin

Actually, it's nice when people hate what you do, because it's still a passionate feeling about it. It's kind of when they're indifferent, you're like, "Oh, well, what am I really doing?" It's nice to go one way or the other.
There were two recording studios in Bellingham. One was really expensive, a "nice studio." We were at the point where we were young and irreverent. We would scoff at the idea of a nice studio. "Why would you want to go to a nice studio? Oh wow, they have really expensive gear. Ooh, that's really fancy. Well we've got an eight-track. We've got it going on here." Now that we have the resources, we're like, "Oh wow, a nice studio is pretty nice! They do have nice outboards here. It's actually a pretty good place." It's funny how much changes so quickly.
I do work really hard to be nice to people. Well, actually, I think it doesn't take much effort to be nice to people, so why shouldn't we all be nice to each other? But I do appreciate very much a woman who is in a position of power who is unapologetic about her position and her belief in her own abilities.
I just want to say that um, I'm just really, really shocked at like how nice our world is because it's just so nice. Like oh my God! Like, the other day, like I was sitting there and I saw these magazines and they said I was pregnant, and like, it's so true. Like America, believe everything you read. Because, like, you're smart and I'm stupid. Like for real. Come on y'all.
There's a really great feeling among the Australians in Hollywood. There's so many of us, and we all support each other, and it's a really nice feeling, being able to sit back and see so many people doing so well.
If you ask any of the other actors, they'd probably say nice things because they're nice people, but I was always like, "Oh gosh, I hope I'm doing this right." I was very hard on myself, and I continue to be. That's why it's sometimes hard for me to digest watching myself on television. There is some pressure.
I feel like, when the audience connects with something, they enjoy the experience so much that they want other people to go have it. They're like, "Don't talk about it. Don't tell. Just go!" It's a nice feeling to have people coming around it that way, protecting the ideas in it, so that everyone can see it for themselves.
My work is nice, natural, it's never "been there done that," my work remains very interesting without losing my soul - because it's really me, and I am always honest with myself. I don't care what's in or out, I just listen to myself. And it's very nice to able to work like that. At the beginning people might have wondered what I was doing, but now they know my line, my evolution, I'm respected for that and that's a wonderful feeling.
So, things aren't clicking with this sweet guy who keeps calling you. So what? Things like chemistry and fate and all the rest actually exist. You don't need to flip out if you're seeing a guy who's really nice to you and you're not attracted to him. It doesn't have to necessarily be because he's nice to you and you hate yourself.
It's nice when people are happy to hear that you're still alive, rather than feeling like "Oh, finally he's dead?"
It's been nice, actually, to keep in touch with a lot of the people and families that I've written about. Like with the kids I was just writing about from Guatemala, who survived being kidnapped and fleeing violence, it was nice to just sit down in their living room and play bingo with them, go to dinner with the family. And sometimes not thinking about it in such a mechanistic "I am now coming to report and get what I need" way, but just spending time, helps you see a more natural version of who they are too.
It's not in our nature. Americans have never been a people that drive through a nice neighborhood and say, 'Oh, I hate the people who live in these nice houses.'
I like guys who wear nice clothes, nice jeans, nice trainers - I hate skinny jeans and those T-shirts that are really low-cut.
I get cast a lot of times in movies with nice people, for some reason, because I have a nice face or something. I mean, it's lucky I'm nice. Usually nice people in movies can be really boring.
The governor of Texas was a real climate change, well, "skeptic" would be a nice way of phrasing it. Still, though, Texas is a leader in renewables. So, what I care about is what politicians are actually doing, not what they are saying.
I have to say, our kind of music was always a struggle live. Quiet vocals and really loud drums and guitars, it was quite tricky. It still can be. I'm slightly amazed that other bands say that, because I'm still like, "Oh God, what am I doing?"
I run into people from the Lehigh Valley and Allentown all over the world, and they're obviously doing pretty well. They say, "Oh, it's pretty nice there now and there's a lot of new businesses that have come into the area." Nobody's telling me, "Yeah, I left." Everybody says, "You know, I'm there. It's great. It's really nice there, and you made our town famous."
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