A Quote by Tyler Oakley

I don't think kids should think their lives have to be perfect or have a filter or the best angle or anything like that. I think it's important to see that everybody is human and everyone has their ups and downs.
I think people relate to me because of the ups and downs I have had. I mean, I've shared a lot of strong emotions in my life, that I think maybe 'cause they believe I'm not scared to tell everybody I'm a human being.
I think every relationship has its ups and downs. I think that's a part of whether you're married or whether you're in friendship or in business, right? They all have their ups and downs, and I think it's just a normal part of life.
I think everybody has ups and downs in their lives. We learn from the biggest disappointments, right? You learn how to be humble to yourself and to be humble to others.
My sister's a musician. Everyone else in our family, it's either academics or artists of one kind or another. And those are the people that I think I like to hang out with, too. I think, you know, they're always interesting; they lead interesting lives, and I think they're important for everyone to read about because everyone is an artist in a way.
I don't think I'm a perfect mother. I think I'm trying my best. I think it's complicated, it's difficult. I think I'm learning from my kids so much to be their mother. I don't think you're born a mother, I think you become a mother.
Filmmaking is not a balancing act, although some directors think it is. I don't believe in it. I like ups and downs. They're the best way to translate my feelings to the screen.
I think everyone does selective reading. Everybody has a filter, and that is real easy for critics to see things from their perspectives, and I'm going, I didn't mean that at all. And believers do the same.
I think it affected me physically and emotionally, yes. I did have my ups and downs, but I actually had more ups and downs after the shots were finished and she was pregnant because of the reality of being pregnant with twins.
I think that it's important for people to read philosophy and literature is not because I think everyone should be a well-rounded human being, but because it will help you think better about what you are doing.
I always say that you should just listen to it and see what you think it sounds like it is. I don't think it should be labeled. Most musicians feel like that. No one wants to put their music in a category. But, I don't think it's all over the place. I don't go from metal to jazz, or anything crazy.
I think people would like to see Kurt Angle and myself get in there and perform with one another. I think he's an amazing athlete, a talented wrestler, and it's a match people probably don't think that they're going to see.
That part, that internal dialogue that has a lot of ups and downs and darks and lights and stuff - that, I think, is where music comes from. I think the face that you put on when you're talking to people and making small talk, I don't think that's where music comes from.
I absolutely love collaborating with other people, but I think it's so important to always be able to rely on yourself because there are ups and downs in this industry.
I don't think there is anything wrong with watching violence but I just think you have to present it in the appropriate light. I was like just watch how many accidents and deaths horror causes. Whereas I don't think anybody is going to go: "Oh, I just saw The Shining and I think I'm going to go axe somebody!" These movies aren't for everybody. The dark side of anything isn't for everybody. I think that you have to have some sort of responsibility in how you portray it because I always want the violence to seem real and if it seems disgusting then good, because it should.
I don't think any country is perfect. It's our responsibility to do the best we can do to change the things we don't like. I think that's part of social responsibility, and everybody is going to do that in their own way.
Everybody goes through ups and downs and wins and losses, bumps in the road, and I don't let anything like that slow me down.
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