A Quote by Tyler Oakley

Care less about what other people think because at the end of the day, everyone is so worried about themselves & how they are coming across that nobody is actually judging as much as y'all think they are.
Mathematics can have its problems, but it's actually hasn't seen a lot of the problems as some of the other sciences and so much of it in what people are doing is completely useless. Nobody kind of in really cares very much. You don't really have kind of right and left and people in ideology coming in because there isn't any. It just doesn't actually connect up to the kinds of things that people ideologically worry about. So most of mathematics just doesn't tell you anything one way or another about global warming or about healthcare or about any number of things that you might care about.
Some people think it's psuedo-science, but it's called morphic resonance. It's when someone thinks of an idea, it makes it easier for someone else to think of the idea. That's why you should do crossword puzzles later in the day, because other people have thought about the answers. That's why you hear about people coming up with inventions almost at the same time, because someone else is thinking about it. That's why whenever I have a really good idea, I'm always worried about theft.
When a lot of people think about how to be business-savvy as an artist, they think about how to brand themselves. At the end of the day, that stuff doesn't really help you. People know when you're being fake.
If you socialize people to care about each other and care about relationships, they tend to be much less violent and tend to think about the consequences of their actions more.
As you care less about what people think of you, you will care more about what others think of themselves.
I think that that's why Bernie's [Sanders] message is resonating the way that it does with everyone, including Latinos, is because, you know, look, they're worried about whether or not they can feed their families and take care of themselves.
One thing I always think about is, at the end of the day, nobody really cares about you as much as they do about themselves. It's a very reassuring thing, in a good way. Pay attention to yourself, and use that energy and put it towards yourself.
I couldn't care less about what people think of me! I do what I do, and I don't care about what other people think is cool. I don't care about image!
I think my children have presented one of the biggest lessons so far in my life. It was only when my kids were born that I realized just how much I'd been living my life worried about what everybody thought of me and, even more strangely, worried about what I imagined other people might be thinking about me.
Since becoming a mother, I'd say it's more so affected my general outlook on things. I'm less worried about everything. Less scared to make those numbers that people think are standard or less scared to create something that maybe I don't think people are going to like, because it's all about if I like it. I need to be happy.
I don't have to worry about what people are thinking and what's going on in the industry. I don't want that stuff to influence what I'm doing. Because I think it stifles you creatively. I don't want to have to care too much about that. All I care about is what the fans think. It's really all I care about, honestly.
I think 'Historian' is ultimately a positive record, but I was a little bit worried about taking people into a dark world. I tried to do it with as much care as possible, but it's not easy to ask people to think about death or loss or confusion.
But everyone, including ethnic minorities, should be worried about how anti-racism is becoming weaponized across the political spectrum - how a lot of people in politics think it's a good idea to exaggerate the problem of racism.
Treat your career like a bad boyfriend... Your career wont take care of you. It won't call you back or introduce you to its parents. Your career will openly flirt with other people while you are around... You have to care about your work, but not about the result. You have to care about how good you are and how good you feel, but not about how good people think you are or how good people think you look.
I stopped worrying about how other people define me a little bit ago. I used to care a lot. Now I just don't care that much. Really, what I'm worried about is, am I being the best me I can be?
I think we should be worried about the fact that we have become, as a society, very focused on the way people look, the way they dress. I do think we should worry about that because we should be worried about content. We should be worried about ideas. We should not be putting form over function.
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