A Quote by Tyler Posey

I'm very active on Twitter and Instagram. I'm always posting pictures from set, and little clues and teasing people with fun things. It's awesome! — © Tyler Posey
I'm very active on Twitter and Instagram. I'm always posting pictures from set, and little clues and teasing people with fun things. It's awesome!
YouTube is the vlogs and my life, then Instagram is comedy skits and pictures that I take. Twitter's text, and Instagram Stories is even more behind-the-scenes vlog stuff. I'm always posting.
Twitter's more fast-paced. Instagram, it's more, like, lifestyle and posting very specific, cool pictures.
I do find Twitter to be more negative than Instagram. Instagram is not so bad. I think it's because of the pictures and see a face where on Twitter people forget we are human beings.
If you're posting pictures to platforms like Instagram or Twitter, be selective about the one you post. If I'm capturing a sunset, I'll take at least 10 pictures. I'll then filter them using other apps, enhance them. Then, I really pick the best image of perhaps 30.
Through my Instagram, I'm always posting pictures of kitten fosters and if it inspires one person to go to his or her local shelter and adopt, it's worth it.
I started posting on my social media super-young. I didn't really understand what it was. When I was about 15, I started posting behind-the-scenes of shoots, little things of me holding up the color corrector, cute things, me in a bikini. It was just all innocent and fun, and I saw people really starting to respond to it.
People think that celebrities are this untouchable thing, and they forget that we're people with emotions and feelings. They don't realize that it affects us when they comment on pictures on Instagram or Twitter, saying mean things, just as it would affect anybody.
For all the talk of my pictures being narratives or that they're about storytelling, there's really very little actually happening in the pictures. One of the few things I always tell people in my pictures is that I want less - give me something less.
Instagram is not an option for me. I have an Instagram - like relationship with a few people, some of whom I've only met once. We e-mail each other a picture every week. But I cannot deal with posting it. It's a very personal message for me.
In my eyes, Twitter is not just about posting pictures of the clothes you wear. It's about connection with people who reach out to you, too.
I always had a Twitter account. I always had an Instagram account. I was always active on it, always spoke my mind. To me, it's really weird that I got so many followers and people that pay attention the way they do. It's hilarious, actually, because people didn't used to listen to me at all. I used to be like, "Does anybody hear me talkin'?"
I don't want to be one of those people that's constantly promoting myself on Twitter. I think the fun thing about Twitter is being able to share all the little random things that happen in my life.
I don't want to be one of those people that's constantly promoting myself on Twitter. I think the fun thing about Twitter is being able to share all the little random things that happen in my life.
Twitter goes straight over my head, but I like the idea of posting pictures because they can say so much.
If you don't have a Facebook, like, you're nobody. There's all of these sort of requirements now, and if you don't have all of these things - Facebook, Twitter, etc. - you're made fun of. And Twitter for celebrities... everything is just getting so personal. Pictures of yourself, of what you're eating for breakfast.
I'm not very active on social media. I'm not on Facebook or Twitter or Instagram, or anything like that. But I think it's wonderful that they're out there. They're fantastic. I have a lot of siblings and friends that use it, and it's great for them. It's such a connected world.
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