A Quote by Tyrus

We need term limits desperately in this country. — © Tyrus
We need term limits desperately in this country.
We desperately need to recognise that we are the guests, not the masters, of nature and adopt a new paradigm for development, based on the costs and benefits to all people, and bound by the limits of nature herself rather than the limits of technology and consumerism.
You know, you look at term limits, you poll term limits, 70, 80 percent of Republicans or Democrats are for it.
Americans of all political background overwhelmingly support term limits, yet term limits have floundered in Congress.
I can see both sides of term limits, and I think, in different positions, term limits make more sense than in some others.
An approach that phases in congressional term limits reconciles the self-interest of members of Congress with the public's desire to see these changes enacted and gives us the best chance to make term limits a reality.
Term limits aren't enough. We need jail.
We need to focus on reducing property taxes. We need to focus on education funding. We need to focus on getting term limits on elected officials.
I would like to believe I would not have behaved differently had I not made a term limits pledge, but my own frailties and human desire for prestige and position tell me my term limits pledge did make a difference in how I approached my job in Congress.
As a lobbyist, I was completely against term limits, and I know a lot of people are against term limits, and I was one of the leaders, because why? As a lobbyist, once you buy a congressional office, you don't have to re-buy that office in six years, right?
People don't like the idea of thinking long term. Many are desperately seeking short term answers because they have money problems to be solved today.
Because terms limits are so popular, the interest of a member of Congress in staying in office would be congruent with supporting my term limits joint resolution.
I believe in term limits. I believe the country would be hugely better off if we had more turnover in Congress.
The people of this country desperately need to engage in an open and honest debate about mental health.
It's really obvious that we have very serious inequality in this country across many different spectrums. Yes, we can talk about the form of protest or the way it's done or this or that. But it's still not really the conversation that I think we desperately need to have more of in this country.
The 2 timeless drivers that underpin the behavior of every generation: the need to belong and the need to be significant. The limits of my language mean the limits of my world.
Chicago is the largest city in the country without mayoral term limits. This has led to entrenched leaders, a lack of new ideas and creative thinking and a city government that works for the few, not the many.
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