A Quote by Tyson Kidd

My tryout match for WWE was against Kofi. I was unsigned, and then I got signed by working the dark matches. I wrestled with Kofi in my first TV match at Deep South Wrestling. We've done single matches, tag matches, all the way to producing.
When I was in NXT, I never wrestled on a TakeOver. I didn't have too many high-profile matches: I probably wrestled about 10 matches in total on NXT TV, including the one championship match against Bayley, which was so much fun and my favorite match in NXT.
I'll take all my matches against WWE's best matches, I'll put it up against Ring of Honor's best matches, or whatever promotion you want, and I guarantee people will be more entertained with my matches than theirs.
Excitement was there because I had the realisation of having matches that weren't always TV matches, that weren't always strict on timelines or storylines and more so focused on the wrestling, different opponents I hadn't worked before and a lot of one-on-one matches.
Even with not having that many matches under my belt, I handled the match against Svitolina well. When I was younger, not having that many matches under my belt, I might not have done that.
Definitely I feel with more matches, I'm the type of player I win a match or few matches, then I get confidence right away and then I play better and better.
I even got game time in some Europa League matches, some other Premier League matches and managed to make a start in an FA Cup match as well.
There are days when you have tag matches, but you need to prepare for your next singles match on that same day.
I can't really pick a favorite match.I enjoy every opportunity the WWE gives me to wreak havoc on other human beings. I've done a lot of different stipulation matches, and there are still a few I haven't done, but nothing I look forward to.
I'm a product of amateur wrestling, and there is no one there to help you with matches or win matches - you have to do it yourself.
If I could go back in time, I would have loved to have done more with Triple H. He blossomed into a bigger star after I left. I regret, looking back now, that we didn't have more matches or better matches or at least one pay-per-view match where we could have really showed our best stuff - or, at least, I did.
It's interesting: I never got stressed before wrestling matches. I always felt completely confident that I had done everything I could do, all my mental preparations when I sat down and envisioned the match, so I never felt stressed.
Oh my gosh, I was so nervous at Wrestlemania when I debuted. I never had a live match ever. I'd had practice matches, but a practice match in front of no one is very different from a real match.
Not only was it that I surprised people by beating Bret Hart, but it was a great match. They still rate it as one of the best wrestling matches of all time.
When you start to add paraphernalia into a match whether it's a ladder match or a tables match or anything, any of these outside factors, you start to ramp up the intensity and you ramp up the difficulty in these matches.
With ECW, I had a lot of time for matches. I could go out there and do a 20-25 minute match, where normally I'd get to do a 7-8 minute match.
When I went to Impact, it was me proving myself on a daily basis to a lot of different people. I mean, I had matches with Austin Aries, matches with Jeff Hardy, Bobby Roode, Drew McIntyre. I mean, I wrestled everyone. During that time, I wasn't just sitting back saying, 'Man, I hope WWE picks me up. I hope they see me. I hope to get back.'
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