A Quote by Umberto Eco

Love is wiser than wisdom. — © Umberto Eco
Love is wiser than wisdom.
Now that I know that I am no wiser than anyone else, does this wisdom make me wiser?
But there's wisdom in women, of more than they have known, And thoughts go blowing through them, are wiser than their own.
The wise are not so much wiser than others as respecters of their own wisdom.
Most of us are wiser than we may appear to be. ? On one level, wisdom is nothing more profound than an ability to follow one?s own advice.
Everyone has equal wisdom. It is absolutely equally distributed. No one is wiser than anyone else.
I see a wiser person than when I was younger: having babies, and passing 30, were the turning points. What women in their 40s - I am 39 - lack in gorgeousness, they make up for in wisdom. I love ageing, despite the drawbacks - thinner, drier skin.
One cannot escape the feeling that these mathematical formulas have an independent existence and an intelligence of their own, that they are wiser than we are, wiser even than their discoverers.
Animals, in their generation, are wiser than the sons of men; but their wisdom is confined to a few particulars, and lies in a very narrow compass.
I know more about what it's like to be elderly and infirm and kind of stupid, the way you get forgetful, but on the other hand I'm a littler, wiser, dare we say? The word 'wisdom' has kind of faded out of our vocabulary, but yeah, I'm a little wiser.
Those physical difficulties which you cannot account for, be very slow to arraign; for he that would be wiser than Nature would be wiser than God.
Wisdom and Love must balance mutually. Wisdom without Love it's a destructive element. Love without Wisdom can leads us to error: love is law, but conscious love.
Whenever you argue with another wiser than yourself in order that others may admire your wisdom, they will discover your ignorance.
Only in the West did a philosophy develop that was not only no longer the love of wisdom but went so far as to deny the category of wisdom as a legitimate form of knowledge. The result was a hatred of wisdom that should more appropriately be called ‘misosophy’ (literarily hatred of Sophia, Wisdom) rather than philosophy.
The democratic system is premised on trust in the masses' wisdom. We believe that the collective is wiser than its parts and that, at the end of the day, it shall make the right choices and take the right decisions.
Your life is a learning process - you can only become wiser from learning. Sometimes you might have to attract making a painful mistake to learn something important, but after the mistake you have far greater wisdom. Wisdom cannot be bought with money - it can only be acquired through living life. With wisdom comes strength, courage, knowing, and an ever-increasing peace.
But our love was stronger by far than the love Of those who were older than we Of many far wiser than we And neither the angels in heaven above, Nor the demons down under the sea, Can ever dissever my soul from the soul Of the beautiful Annabel Lee.
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