A Quote by Uzo Aduba

In performance, you don't always feel that sort of family bond right off the top. It sort of develops and grows over time. — © Uzo Aduba
In performance, you don't always feel that sort of family bond right off the top. It sort of develops and grows over time.
In performance, you dont always feel that sort of family bond right off the top. It sort of develops and grows over time.
Murdoc is sort of the, um, it’s his band. He sort of put Gorillaz together. It’s his idea. But he’s sort of an ugly, sort of, snaggle-toothed Satanist who didn’t actually get the job of being the lead singer ‘cause he isn’t very handsome. So, 2D got the job, which is always going to piss him off.
I'm always sort of looking for projects that I can sort of put out into the world, into the public sphere, and to somehow cause an effect. I want to be able to create projects that sort of are going to make people think and think in this sort of magical, sort of fantastical way.
The days of the misogynistic Bond are sort of over.
Everyone has a family, even if they're at war or fallen apart. It's the closest initial bond, and there's a sort of primal element to that. Your primary relationships are formed out of family.
Usually I'll drive to certain locations over and over again, over a course of months really. And then it might just be I hit it at the right time, and the right light. And then I might go to that location over and over again, and then what happens in that lag time where - the image sort of locks in - all of a sudden I see it in my mind's eye.
I grew up in a church-going family, a very sort of ordinary, middle-of-the-road Anglican family where nobody really talked about personal Christian experience. It was just sort of assumed like an awful lot of things in the 1950's were just sort of taken for granted.
Film work can be tedious and sort of all over the place, especially when you have a family and you're going off and doing things somewhere else.
Acting is always sort of the same - like you want to be - you know you're pretending and you want to make it as real as you can. That's the similarity. The mediums other than that are completely different. I mean you know with camera work you're doing really small detailed work and you know if you do anything too big you've sort of failed. And with stage, especially with the play I'm doing right now, I'm doing a farce, and it's so over the top that you can't actually be too big. So it's just completely different.
I've wanted to be a professional actor for years and if you get any sort of success in that field then fame sort of comes along with it. But I don't know if I'm sort of media fodder like other people are. I'm essentially a family man.
I'm very into my cars. I always ready the Top Gear magazines just to see what cars are out next and what sort of performance they give. It can range from the smallest cars to the biggest ones.
I feel like I've been around for such a long time, as a writer and as an artist, that I need to sort of speak to the way that my perception of the world has sort of changed.
The great thing about theatre is that the performance develops over the run - it changes each time.
'Cyberspace' as a term is sort of over. It's over in the way that, after a certain time, people stopped using the suffix '-electro' to make things cool, because everything was electrical. 'Electro' was all over the early 20th century, and now it's gone. I think 'cyber' is sort of the same way.
The curse of me and my nation is that we always think things can be bettered by immediate action of some sort, any sort rather than no sort.
I love doing theater so much - being in front of an audience and seeing how a character grows and develops with every performance.
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