A Quote by Vaclav Havel

If a single writer in a country is in chains, then there are some links of that chain that binds us all. — © Vaclav Havel
If a single writer in a country is in chains, then there are some links of that chain that binds us all.
A glance, a word -- and joy or pain befalls.... How slight the links are in the chain that binds us to our destiny!
Such as the chain of causes we call Fate, such is the chain of wishes: one links on to another; the whole man is bound in the chain of wishing for ever.
Where are the links of the chain ... joining us to the past?
Faith is the subtle chain Which binds us to the infinite.
I think, then, that man, after having satisfied his first longing for facts, wanted something fuller - some grouping, some adaptation to his capacity and experience, of the links of this vast chain of events which his sight could not take in.
The Christmas gift of peace was the uncoiling of the links of a triple chain that first unites a person with God, then with himself, then with his neighbor.
We are not separate and independent entities, but like links in a chain, and we could not by any means be what we are without those who went before us and showed us the way.
Memories are links in a golden chain that bind us until we meet again.
The most delicate beauty in the mind of women is, and ever must be, an independence of artificial stimulants for content. It is not so with men. The links that bind men to capitals belong to the golden chain of civilization,--the chain which fastens all our destinies to the throne of Jove. And hence the larger proportion of men in whom genius is pre-eminent have preferred to live in cities, though some of them have bequeathed to us the loveliest pictures of the rural scenes in which they declined to dwell.
The only chains God wants us to wear are the chains of righteousness--not the chains of hopeless subjectivism, not the shackles of risk-free living, not the fetters of horoscope decision making--just the chains befitting a bond servant of Christ Jesus. Die to self. Live for Christ. And then do what you want, and go where you want, for God's glory.
There's lots of kinds of chains. You can't see most of them, the one's that bind folks together. But people build them, link by link. Sometimes the links are weak, snap like this one did. That's another funny thing, now that I think of it. Sometimes when you mend a chain, the place where you fix it is strongest of all.
Faith is the subtle chain which binds us to the infinite; the voice of a deep life within, that will remain until we crowd it thence.
Morality binds and blinds. It binds us into teams... but thereby makes us go blind to objective reality.
Morality binds and blinds. It binds us into teams … but thereby makes us go blind to objective reality.
It was probably in third grade - I had a super-fake gold herringbone chain. Yeah man, it was, like, super fake. I don't remember if it was my mom's or how I got it, but ever since then, I've loved chains. The first real chain I got was from Kanye. It was a Jacob the Jeweler Kanye West Jesus piece.
Go back. Go back in time. Everyone's life is a chain of memories. In each chain there are shining links, happenings where this element of wonder...was very strong. Why don't you reach out and relive some of those memories? If you work at it, remembering the wonder can revive your ability to live life as it should be lived.
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