A Quote by Valentino Rossi

How do Ferrari know what I'm doing next year when I don't know what I'm doing next week? — © Valentino Rossi
How do Ferrari know what I'm doing next year when I don't know what I'm doing next week?
I'm building an empire. How do you know I won't be the next [Universal Music Group Chairman/CEO] Doug Morris one day? I'm doing a hell of a job, and I'm on the road to that next level.
In TV, you're always confused because you legitimately don't know what you're doing the next week.
When your child stops breathing 60 times a night, you don't worry about what's going on next year or even next week. You put aside thoughts about which preschool you're going to enroll him in and focus on how he's doing right now. It's not the Norman Rockwell relationship that you sign on for when becoming a parent.
In doing everything, from coming up with the ideas and putting them on paper till doing the final edits, you are always thinking the next three steps, you're always thinking what next, what next, what next?
For those of you that have been following Ultimate Spider-Man, you know how we took that show and brought it to the next level of what Marvel Television is doing. And Hulk and the Agents of S.M.A.S.H. was the next level of what we wanted to get to.
History shows us that people are terrible about guessing what is going to happen - next week, next month, and especially next year.
I always know I'm going to lose my job. It's either going to be canceled next week or next year or nine years from now, but I always know my job is going to go.
Baseball presents a living heritage, a game poised between the powerful undertow of seasons past and the hope of next day, next week, next year.
This is the woman who stopped the Stanford Prison Study. When I said it got out of control, I was the prison superintendent. I didn't know it was out of control. I was totally indifferent. She came down, saw that madhouse and said, "You know what, it's terrible what you're doing to those boys. They're not prisoners, they're not guards, they're boys, and you are responsible." And I ended the study the next day. The good news is I married her the next year.
Next week, or next month, or next year I will kill myself. But I might as well last out my month's rent, which has been paid up.
I've tried open-ended jobs and found myself incredibly unhappy. I don't like the monomania of showing up every day and doing the same thing. I don't know where my next cheque is coming from, I don't know where my next job is coming from, I have really sketchy health insurance, but I need variety in my life.
If you don't have a set of principles that you can explain for what you are doing, then how can anybody know what you're going to do next?
I know what I'm gonna do tomorrow, and the next day and the next year, and the year after that.
recurrence is sure. What the mind suffered last week, or last year, it does not suffer now; but it will suffer again next week or next year. Happiness is not a matter of events; it depends upon the tides of the mind.
The way to get ahead is to start now. If you start now, you will know a lot next year that you don't know now and that you would not have known next year if you had waited.
I'm doing something called 'Olivia Twisted,' that will start next year. There may be something in between, but right now, that's the one that I'm slated to do next year. That's a very ultra-modern version of 'Oliver Twist,' and it's female-driven. It's an action film, and it's kind of dark and gritty.
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