A Quote by Valerie Jarrett

The impact of solitary confinement can have a devastating consequence to the psychology of the people who are affected. — © Valerie Jarrett
The impact of solitary confinement can have a devastating consequence to the psychology of the people who are affected.
Solitary confinement has been used extensively, it always has. I was in prison for 44 years; it was a normal part of life - the practice of it. They put you in solitary confinement for disciplinary reasons, they put you in solitary confinement to protect you from violence or whatever, and they also put you in solitary confinement just to show you who has got the power ... It's not something new; it's just something that nobody really cared about in the past.
I did a lot of research on what solitary confinement does to you, how you become acclimated to being surrounded by people again after being by yourself for such a long time. It's really a horrific thing. It's definitely worth considering it as torture. We're just not meant to be in solitary confinement.
Something in our nature cries out to be loved by another. Isolation is devastating to the human psyche. That is why solitary confinement is considered the cruelest of punishments.
Silence comes in two varieties: One that nourishes and comforts; another that chokes, smothers, and isolates. Solitary confinement is the worst kind of imprisonment we can inflict on fellow humans, and if you are forced to keep silent about some dark secret, you live in solitary confinement. Without the bridge of communication connecting you to other human beings, you can’t share your burdens, can’t receive comfort, can’t confirm that you still belong. Silence is the abyss that separates you from hope.
They put me in solitary confinement, and although I went on to do 8,755 days of solitary in total, the first two were the hardest. I almost went mad, beating my head against the wall.
A prisoner lived in solitary confinement for years. He saw and spoke to no one and his meals were served through an opening in the wall. One day an ant came into his cell. The man contemplated it in fascination as it crawled around the room. He held it in the palm of his hand the better to observe it, gave it a grain or two, and kept it under his tin cup at night. One day it suddenly struck him that it had taken him ten long years of solitary confinement to open his eyes to the loveliness of an ant.
People aren't wired to be alone. Even in the stressful population of prison, solitary confinement is still considered a cruel punishment.
Incessant company is as bad as solitary confinement.
The world is a prison in which solitary confinement is preferable.
Each man is his own prisoner, in solitary confinement for life.
The writing life is essentially one of solitary confinement - if you can't deal with this, you needn't apply.
The Truth is in the prolouge. Death to the romantic fool., the expert in solitary confinement.
We are all sentenced to solitary confinement inside our own skins, for life.
Research and writing are lonely occupations. It is easy to become discouraged in solitary confinement.
Besides the devastating impact that the Ryan budget has directly on individuals, it does nothing to support job creation or our global competitiveness. Investments in both are drastically affected through cuts in funding for transportation and infrastructure projects, as well as funding for research and development.
Bradley Manning has been imprisoned without charge, under torture, which is what solitary confinement is.
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