A Quote by Vera Nazarian

A boomerang returns back to the person who throws it. — © Vera Nazarian
A boomerang returns back to the person who throws it.
A boomerang returns back to the person who throws it. But first, while moving in a circle, it hits its target. So does gossip.
Love is a boomerang that returns to the thrower's hand.
Kindness comes back like a boomerang to those who are kind. Perhaps, its return takes years. Perhaps, the kindness returns from a different direction than that which we sent out kindness. But it will return. It is never lost.
I ran back punt returns and kickoff returns, and I played a pretty good game.
I'm like a boomerang, I always come back.
A hug is like a boomerang - you get it back right away.
When you do not accept the insult some one casts on you, it goes back to the person who indulged in it first; a registered letter that is not accepted returns to the sender.
Faith is like a boomerang; begin using what you have and it comes back to you in greater measure.
I forgot how to throw a boomerang, but then it came back to me.
Dishonesty is like a boomerang. About the time you think all is well, it hits you in the back of the head.
He should release the tax returns tomorrow. It's crazy. You've got to release six, eight, ten years back tax returns. Take the hit for a day or two. He has to give a big speech in defense of capitalism, and that will elevate, I think, this race above this tactical back and forth, which I do think he's on the margin of losing.
If you hate somebody, it's like a boomerang that misses its target and comes back and hits you in the head. The one who hates is the one who hurts.
Beetee is still messing round the tree, doing I don't know what. At one point he snaps off a sliver of bark, joins us, and throws it against the force field. It bounces back and lands on the ground, glowing. In a few moments it returns to its original color. "Well, that explains a lot," says Beetee. I look at Peeta and can't help biting my lip to keep from laughing since it explains absolutely nothing to anyone but Beetee.
I wanna be a part of the generation that throws out money, throws out time, throws out all that we are against something bigger than ourselves.
To get all that life wants for you, apply what I call the Boomerang Effect: Give out what you most want to see come back.
Positivity is like a boomerang. The more we put it out there, the more it comes back to us.
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