A Quote by Victor Banerjee

I have said a lot of 'yeses' to lots of first-time film-makers. Lots, lots, lots. I admire them a lot, I respect them a lot. It is of greatest pride to be working with someone's first film - like being given a Nobel Prize or an Oscar.
What fuels me is that there are a lot of people coming to Broadway and to the show [Aladdin] for the first time. Lots of kids and lots of adults and it's usually the kids were it's a special moment for them.
I don't think I'm mainstream. I think what I am is lots and lots of different cults. And when you get lots and lots of small groups who like you a lot, they add up to a big group without ever actually becoming mainstream.
Writing a song is like playing a series of downs in football: Lots of rules, timing is crucial, lots of boundaries, lots of protective gear, lots of stopping and starting.
It's more like there are some really obvious things that are different and then lots and lots of smaller things, lots of things about who lives and who dies, civilizations that rose and fell, all the way down to individual characters. That becomes the state of where you left your galaxy. The endings have a lot more sophistication and variety in them.
It's very strange what happens when I start working for a film. In my life I've done a lot of stuff - I did a lot of dance music, a lot of TV shows and lots of different types of films - and every time it is a new experience.
Every time you have a crisis in a country you have an extreme wing coming up and proposing solutions. The way to fight them is by doing lots of work teaching people that every time these fascist systems gained power they ended up with big tragedies - lots of blood, lots of police, and lots of misery.
There are lots of stories in pop music, lots of lush orchestrations, lots of attention to detail. You just have to know where to find them. The best stuff is never overt.
The public's got it right, a lot of NBA stars are arrogant and like to spend lots of money and have lots of girlfriends and all that.
One thing that writers have in common is that they are readers first. They have read lots and lots of stuff, because they're just infested with lots of stuff.
I promise you, a lot of it is luck. But you make your own luck by working really hard and trying lots and lots of things.
Having good relations with lots of lots of different people helps a lot.
We meet a lot of people, we drink lots of stuff and have lots of fun.
We meet a lot of people, we drink lots of stuff and have lots of fun
India is a culture in which religious life and spirituality is very much on the surface of things. That doesn't mean it doesn't have depth, but it is very visible. There are lots of temples, lots of Islamic centers, lots of gurdwaras, and lots of teachers.
With my students I give them lots and lots of guided writing. Part of it is as simple as writing a lot but not toward anything. The mind floats. Then I help them see where the language has heat. If we do this a lot in class, students eventually relax into this writing practice and enjoy it. Even just that - writing pleasure without the anxiety of "audience" or "grade" or "success" - is a kind of impetus toward the unfamiliar.
The rich have lots of money. The wealthy have lots of time. I've done enough to have lots of time today to watch sunrises and get drenched in the rain.
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