A Quote by Victor Papanek

If design is to be ecologically responsible, it must be independent of concern for the gross national product. — © Victor Papanek
If design is to be ecologically responsible, it must be independent of concern for the gross national product.
Design, if it is to be ecologically responsible and socially responsive, must be revolutionary and radical.
Higher education is booming in the United States; the Gross National Mind is mounting along with the Gross National Product.
Design is a field of concern, response, and enquiry as often as decision and consequence... it is convenient to group design into three simple categories, though the distinctions are in no way absolute, nor are they always so described: product design (things), environment design (places) and communication design (messages).
Gross National Happiness is more important than Gross Domestic Product. attr to Buthan's King Jigme Singye Wangchuck
From the point of view of the economy, the sale of weapons is indistinguishable from the sale of food. When a building collapses or a plane crashes, it?s rather inconvenient from the point of view of those inside, but it?s altogether convenient for the growth of the gross national product, which sometimes ought to be called the "gross criminal product."
We will find neither national purpose nor personal satisfaction in a mere continuation of economic progress, in an endless amassing of worldly goods. We cannot measure national spirit by the Dow Jones Average, nor national achievement by the Gross National Product.
Good design is innovative 2. Good design makes a product useful 3. Good design is aesthetic 4. Good design makes a product understandable 5. Good design is unobtrusive 6. Good design is honest 7. Good design is long-lasting 8. Good design is thorough, down to the last detail 9. Good design is environmentally friendly 10. Good design is as little design as possible
In its best prewar year, Europe with almost 300 million people had a gross national product of 150 billion dollars. In that same year, the United States with 150 million people had a gross national product of 300 billion dollars.
To the designer, great design is beautiful design. A significant amount of effort must be placed into making the product attractive. To the client, great design is effective. It must bring in customers and meet the goals put forth to the designer in the original brief. To the user, great design is functional. It’s easy to read, easy to use and easy to get out of it what was promised Truly great design, then, is when these three perspectives are considered and implemented equally to create a final product that is beautiful, effective and functional.
Gross National Product is our Holy Grail.
The substance of man cannot be measured by Gross National Product.
Design cannot be heard or read, it must be seen. Design is the structural link between the customers and the product. Content must be brought to the surface. And when a design is completed, it should seem natural and obvious. It should look like it is always been this way. And it should last.
So-called defense now absorbs sixty per cent of the national budget, and about twelve per cent of the Gross National Product.
The Gross National Product measures everything except that which makes life worthwhile.
If we want to talk about Gross Natural Product, we have to talk about the King of Bhutan's index of Gross National Happiness, too. Certainly I have found, as many travellers before me, that people in the poorest places are often the readiest to shower me, from an affluent country, with hospitality and kindness.
Collectivism doesn't work because it's based on a faulty economic premise. There is no such thing as a person's "fair share" of wealth. The gross national product is not a pizza that must be carefully divided because if I get too many slices, you have to eat the box. The economy is expandable and, in any practical sense, limitless.
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