A Quote by Victoria Beckham

The glass is always half full: I have no time for anything negative - and actually, I've bought crystals for all my team, so they all carry crystals as well. — © Victoria Beckham
The glass is always half full: I have no time for anything negative - and actually, I've bought crystals for all my team, so they all carry crystals as well.
I am so addicted to crystals, it’s like a sickness. I’ve spent $500,000 on crystals this year. I checked my bank account last night, and I have $203 left.
I'm a positive thinker and actor. I look at a glass; a negative person sees the glass and says: too bad it's half empty... I look at the same glass and say: Hallelujah!! It's half full!!!
There are, it has been said, two types of people in the world. There are those who, when presented with a glass that is exactly half full, say: this glass is half full. And then there are those who say: this glass is half empty. The world belongs, however, to those who can look at the glass and say: What's up with this glass? Excuse me? Excuse me? This is my glass? I don't think so. My glass was full! And it was a bigger glass! Who's been pinching my beer?
Crystals are amplifying minerals. You have a crystal in a radio - it amplifies the sound waves. You have a crystal in a television set - it amplifies the light waves. When you hold crystals, they amplify thought waves.
People are either glass-half-empty or glass-half-full. I always think hopefully.
To the optimist, the glass is half full. To the pessimist, the glass is half empty. To the engineer, the glass is twice as big as it needs to be. Design is how you treat your customers. If you treat them well from an environmental, emotional, and aesthetic standpoint, you're probably doing good design.
Age-old question: Is the glass half empty or half full? Answer: Who cares? Does it really matter whether the glass is half full or half empty? The issue is whether it quenches your thirst.
Glass half empty, glass half full. Well, either way you won't be going thirsty, count your blessings not your flaws.
I have never met a successful person who talked about failing. The glass is always half full. I don't even like being around negative talkers.
I've always been a glass-half-full as opposed to a glass-half-empty, and the day that changes is the day I should leave.
There are lots of things, including changing the kind of inner dialog, that can mitigate anxiety. And yes, there are people who have the glass half full and glass half empty, and I'm afraid the glass is going to break and I'll cut myself on the shards.
Selenite occurs in abundance in well formed clear crystals of several inches in length.
I'm a confirmed negaholic. I don't just see a glass that's half full and call it half-empty; I see a glass that's completely full and worry that someone's going to tip it over.
I proceeded to take that mitten full of the deadly yellow snow crystals and rub it all into his beady little eyes with a vigorous circular motion.
When a man dies, his secrets bond like crystals, like frost on a window. His last breath obscures the glass.
This world is so full of care and sorrow that it is a gracious debt we owe to one another to discover the bright crystals of delight hidden in somber circumstances and irksome tasks.
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