A Quote by Victoria Coren Mitchell

I have a complicated relationship with the zoo; maybe everyone does. It's so wonderful and so sad. — © Victoria Coren Mitchell
I have a complicated relationship with the zoo; maybe everyone does. It's so wonderful and so sad.
You never answered my question, about what you want to do with your life. Maybe my dreams aren't that complicated. Maybe I think that a job is just a job. What does that mean? Maybe I don't want to be defined by what I do. Maybe I'd like to be defined by what I am.
Everyone can have their heart broken. Even if you know the relationship isn't working, it's still sad. Even in a bad relationship, they're part of your life for a long time, and saying goodbye to that can be difficult.
When I was a kid in New York I used to go to the zoo. I always liked the zoo. I grew up within walking distance of the Bronx Zoo. And then when my first two children were young, I used to take them to the zoo. Zoos are always interesting. And I make pictures.
Puerto Rico is complicated. The people are complicated. The history is complicated. The story of the United States' relationship to Puerto Rico is complicated.
My parents were complicated people. They had a complicated relationship. My home was very, very complicated.
Yes, I am sad, sad as a circus-lioness, sad as an eagle without wings, sad as a violin with only one string and that one broken, sad as a woman who is growing old. Sad, sad, sad.
Russia wants to defeat ISIS as badly as America does. If we had a relationship with Russia, wouldn't it be wonderful if we could work on it together and knock the hell out of ISIS? Wouldn't that be a wonderful thing?
Unlike accredited zoos like the Bronx Zoo, San Diego Zoo, the Los Angeles Zoo, these are private menageries, and these people are frightened and there is an existential fear that they are going to be shut down by the government, by PETA, by HSUS, by animal rights groups. So they, generally, are very guarded.
I love my mom. My mom loves me. We don't have an easy relationship. I don't think we ever will, but I'd rather have a complicated, misunderstood relationship than have no relationship at all.
Maybe from the outside, Belgium looks complicated to understand, but from the inside, actually, every country is complicated.
Maybe it’s sad that these are now memories. And maybe it’s not sad.
My relationship with my mother has always felt like the most complicated relationship of my life. I know I have a lot more writing to do on this.
My therapist says that I choose women that I couldn't possibly succeed in a relationship with because I really want to be alone. Which sounds complicated and convoluted to me, but I don't know. Maybe she's right. There's a part of me that wants that.
We have a complicated intelligence relationship with France. We have a complicated intelligence relationship with other - with other allies.
My relationship with the track was, I would say, at least fractionally as complicated as my relationship with my old man. So it kept me coming back.
Everyone is complicated one way or another. But it's interesting to dig into a complicated character, to try to find that within yourself.
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